
Friday, September 21, 2012

Toffee Apple Cake {The Domestic Rebel}

You are in for a real treat today! My friend, Hayley, aka The Domestic Rebel is taking over Back For Seconds for the day. Hayely is one of the most creative bakers ever, with goodies like Pumpkin Pie Pops (aren't they the cutest?!), Brownie Batter Pretzel Bites (you know I swoon for anything brownie), and Cinnamon Roll Stuffed Cupcakes (seriousy.). Her blog is so fun to read too - she's hilarious. Show her some love today, would ya? 

Hey guys! My name is Hayley, aka The Domestic Rebel. I'm obsessed with sprinkles, sparkles and cupcakes, and I fully endorse eating that extra cookie, you know, the sixth one. I like pairing easy, accessible ingredients together to form absolutely extraordinary desserts!

When Stephanie asked me to guest post for her, I was super stoked! Stephanie and I have become fast friends through this insane world of blogging. She's incredibly sweet, super funny, and bakes ridiculously drool-worthy treats like these Bubblegum Cookie Truffles and these Gooey Chewy Pretzel Bars, just to name a few. Needless to say, I'm hooked on her blog and her recipes!

 Know what else I'm hooked on? Fall. I'm obsessed with it. Honestly, any reason for me to further avoid swimwear and Daisy Dukes is preferable in my opinion. Bring on the boots and chunky sweaters! However, fall is not even close to happening here in Sacramento. We're battling 90-100 degree days despite the fact that it should be illegal that I'm still allowed to wear tank tops in September. Or, uh, any time of year (butthat'sanotherstory).

 So in an effort to duke it out against Mother Nature, I'm forcibly bringing fall to my home. I've busted out the cinnamon candles, dug up our fall decorations, and needed a fall-inspired dessert to bake up while I was reminiscing about days of red leaves, pumpkin carving and boot-wearing.

Enter this Toffee Apple Cake. It's gooey, buttery and totally delicious. It starts with a box of cake mix that's jazzed up and baked slightly underdone, so the result is almost cobbler-like and utterly soul-warming.
So even if you're eating it in your swimsuit, you can still be in the mental fall mindset.

 Now does anyone have Mother Nature's email? I need to air some grievances.

Toffee Apple Cake

  • 1 box butter yellow cake mix 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 1 stick butter, melted 
  • 1/4 heaping cup brown sugar 
  • 1 cup toffee bits 
  • 1 can apple pie filling 
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 
  • 1 cup cinnamon pecans (found by the ice cream syrups in the grocery store) 

 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Liberally grease a 13x9 inch baking pan with cooking spray and set aside.
2. In a large bowl, combine the cake mix, eggs, butter and brown sugar until combined. Stir in the toffee bits. Spread the mixture evenly into the prepared pan.
3. Spread the apple pie filling evenly over the batter, then sprinkle generously with the cinnamon. Top with the cinnamon pecans.
4. Bake for approx. 22-25 minutes or until edges are golden and center is just barely set. Cool completely on a wire rack before cutting into hunks. This tastes excellent warm or at room temperature. Store leftovers airtight, at room temperature, up to a day.

  I I flipped for the sweet smell of toffee and the spicy hint of cinnamon while this cake was baking and fell in love with the mixture of flavors when I dug in. The toffee adds another layer of buttery goodness to the cakey base, while the tender apples and spicy cinnamon taste very cobbler-y.
And those cinnamon pecans are totally worth it--sweet, caramelized pecans add that extra crunch and texture that makes these awesome! Hope you enjoy!!
Feel free to pop on over to The Domestic Rebel and say hi sometime! xo, Hayley


Cindy said...

This does look delicious! Wonderful flavors.

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Thank you so much for hosting me, Stephanie!! I'm super stoked for you to be in D-Land (and okay, a little jealous). Have fun!!

Winnie said...

This cake looks HEAVENLY !

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

I mean, really. This is the bomb. Like I want it RIGHT NOW. Hayley is awesome. I love her! :)

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

Yeah, Hayley is pretty awesome. Just like this cake!

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