
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pecan Pie Poptarts {Crazy For Crust}

I am so thrilled to have my friend Dorothy from Crazy for Crust here today! She is a brilliant baker who makes things like Red Velvet Brownie Pie, and Devils Food Cake Batter Dip with Pie Crust Dippers. Is your mouth watering yet? 
Plus she's super sweet and really funny, and I just love her - I know you will too! Show her some love and enjoy!

Well hello there, Back for Seconders! I'm Dorothy, from Crazy for Crust. As you guessed it, I'm sorta crazy for crust. {Pie, that is.} I'm also a little crazy in real life, buuuut that's another story, mmkay?
 I love pretty much anything with sugar. I'm a major sugar addict. I think that's why I'm so glad to be here today! I mean, a place where you can find Double Decker Coconut Cream Brownies and Peanut Butter S'mores Bars is definitely a place I want to be.

 I have a love/hate relationship with Pecan Pie. As in, I love the flavor and idea of it but the pie? Not so much. I love those little pecan pie tarts you get at the grocery store. I love those little packaged pecan pies you get in the convenience store at the gas station. I love pecan pie bars. But the actual pecan pie? Like, homemade? Well. Let's just say I have texture issues. And those issues don't like the filling for pecan pie.
I can actually remember being a kid at the Thanksgiving table, family all around, pies overfloweth, with my slice of pecan pie in front of me (with whipped cream, of course). The memory becomes one of those TV-like moments where sound and picture around the scene gets distorted and all you can hear is the persons' heavy breathing as they will themselves to do something.
 Like, say, take a bite of wiggly pie.
 {I know. I have lots of issues. I write a blog about it.}
 And therein lies the problem: how to get the flavor of pecan pie...with out the gelatinous mess that is the center. So I make pecan pie cookies. And now, I make these babies.


Whenever I hijack another blog for the day, I like to showcase my love of pie and my love of quirky recipes. (As in, I rarely ever make actual pie. I like to make things with crust...but I think outside the pie tin.)
 These came to me in a fit of "I want Fall and I want it now" Veronica-esque Willy Wonka thoughts.
 Because Fall, to me, is reminiscent of not just pumpkin, but all things pecan too. It's a pecan pie, but for breakfast, people.
Because it's a poptart. And poptarts are for breakfast. {And lunch. And dinner. And dessert, if you ask me.}
 I filled puff pastry sheets with a mixture of brown sugar, pecans, maple syrup, and heavy cream. {Otherwise known as heaven.} Then I baked them up and topped them off with a maple syrup glaze. The other thing I love about Fall? Sweatpants with a stretchy waistband.

  There you have it. Pecan pie without the shudder. You're welcome!
 Thanks for reading me today, and come on over to Crazy for Crust and give me a big hello. I'll make you some sugar. :)

 Pecan Pie Poptarts 
by Crazy for Crust 

     For the Poptarts:
 1 box (2 sheets) puff pastry, thawed
 1/2 cup chopped pecans (chop them small)
 1/4 cup brown sugar
 1 tablespoon maple syrup
 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
 1 egg, whisked with a splash of water

     For the Glaze (optional):
 3 tablespoons powdered sugar
 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
 1 tablespoon milk
 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  1. Preheat oven to 350°. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Unfold thawed puff pastry sheets. Use a knife or a cookie cutter to cut out poptart shapes. You can use any shape/size you want. (I made traditional poptart size and got 12 cutouts, to make 6 poptarts.)
  3. Stir the brown sugar, maple syrup, vanilla, and pecans in a small bowl.
  4. Place half the cutouts onto the baking sheet. Place about 1-2 tablespoons of the pecan mixture onto the center of the cutouts. Brush the egg wash around the outside of the pastry. Top with the remaining squares and press with a fork to seal.
  5. Bake for about 17 minutes, until browned. Cool before drizzling with glaze.
  6. To make the glaze, stir all the ingredients in a small bowl. Drizzle over poptarts. These are good warm or cold.


Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Thank you for having me! I hope you're having a rockin' mouse time!

Unknown said...

The nuts make these healthy, Right? At least compared to regular pop tarts... that's what I'll tell myself when I make them.

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

Wow...absolutely brilliant, Dorothy! I am pinning this recipe and definitely making it soon!

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

These look totally awesome! Okay, so technically I have very little experience with pecan pie but I'm already in love with these nonetheless. Have fun in Disneyworld, girlfriend!!

keri @ shaken together said...

That definitely counts as breakfast, right?! Pinned!

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy Dorothy. I tell you ever treat you make looks delicious!

Winnie said...

I totally agree - Dorothy IS a brilliant baker, and these pop-tarts are another prove

Debra Kapellakis said...

I am happily already one of you followers. It was nice to have you here on another blog that I happily follow. I love pecans and miss them like crazy! :)

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