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Friday, July 20, 2012

Cupcake Muddy Buddies

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I am warning you right now, this was ridiculously good...and addicting. I made it to bring to a party, but with everything else I was bringing, I left it at home on the counter. Whoops! When we got to the party I realized that I had forgotten it and was pretty bummed. 

When we got home that night I saw it sitting there, all lonely and forgotten, and suddenly I was very happy about my oversight. 
The cupcake muddy buddies were ALL. MINE. Insert big heart shaped eyes and a cake batter grin here.

This mix tastes like a vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. A party in your mouth, people.  

Cupcake Muddy Buddies
by: Back For Seconds

  • 6 cups Chex cereal
  • 12 oz chocolate 
  • 1/2 box vanilla cake mix (about 1 1/2 cups)
  • sprinkles
In a large microwave safe bowl heat the chocolate until melted and stir until smooth. Pour in the Chex and stir gently until coated. In a paper bag shake the coated cereal with the sprinkles and dry cake mix. Pour onto wax paper until the chocolate sets. Store in an airtight container. 

Here are some other killer snack mixes. Click the pictures to get the recipes!

This Coconut Munch Mix was my very first post!!

I party here

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Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Yes yes YES. Extra sprinkles on my portion please :) (oh, who am I kidding with this 'portion' business--I'll eat the whole batch). Don't you hate when you realize you've left something awesome behind but LOVE when you realize it later? Selfish muddy buddy snacking is the best kind!

Kristin said...

The fact that this has very few ingredients means that I'll make it. Cake mix makes everything better.

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Oh god. I must make this soon. Like, tomorrow. Cake mix rocks!

Tif said...

Goodness...I just gained 5 pounds! Found you thru the blog hop! Following! YAY!

Ramblings of a Southern Belle

BusyMom said...

These look so delicious!!! I love muddy buddies!!!

cookies and cups said...

Love this variation! Muddy Buddy mix is my all time favorite!

Kathryn Pepper said...

These look delicious! Cake mix can make anything taste better :) Found you through the blog hop & I'm your newest follower!


Lindy@Itsy Bitsy Paper said...

Wow! Yummy in the tummy...
Stopping by from the Network Blog Hop. Following you now.

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

YUM! I love that stuff!! SOO good! Happy Monday! xx Holly

SallysBakingAddiction said...

OMG girl you are right, we are TOTALLY on the same wavelength! I have GOT to make this version. I am a sucker for cake mix anything! I wish I made this over the weekend! Oh well, gotta make it soon though. Love the sprinkles too ;)

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

Eek! This looks DEEEElish!

pretty little things said...

just discovered your blog and I love it!
I'm your newest follower - hope you can check mine out as well! xo

Stephanie said...

Wow, sounds amazing!

Simply Tasheena said...

Everything looks so yummy!

PS: Thank you for linking up to Show Me What You Got Tuesday's @ ODH via:

Mrs. Delightful

Unknown said...

oh that is just fate telling you never to share with others, yum!

PJH Designs said...

Yummy! Thanks for sharing this recipe. Won't you please stop by and share at my party Totally Transformed Tuesday? Hope to see you there. :-) Peggy

Krista Lynn said...

Yum!!! I love anything with Chex mix. Sounds like the perfect dessert snack!
Found you through the blog hop - newest followe!

PineappleMama said...

mmmmm this looks so good!! I haven't had anything like this in forever :))

Unknown said...

I have yet to try a "muddy buddy" recipe; these look SO good!

Unknown said...

New follower from GFC Hop! I absolutely LOVVVVE your blog! Cant wait to try out a few of these recipes!! :D
Hope you will visit my blog...

Kayla @ Inspired Kreations

Kristin said...

Okay, these were officially amazing. I think next time I'll cut the cake mix with a little powdered sugar because I like things super sweet. (Yep, there'll be a next time!)

The Mandatory Mooch said...

Sounds so yummy!! I'd love to have you link this up to Tasty Thursdays on The Mandatory Mooch. It's a new linky party starting today. Hope to see you there. Thanks, Nichi

Lisa said...

Just had to pin this for later. LOOKS SO GOOD. Thanks for sharing. Also a new follower.!

Anonymous said...

yummy, I would have never thought to use cake mix!

Tamika @

Michelle said...

Oooo - these sound good! :)

Cheerios and Lattes said...

Yum! Thank you for sharing on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll join us again this week with some more great ideas!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmm sounds yummy! never heard of using dry cake mix before!

Tobins' Tastes said...

I have actually never made Muddy Buddies myself! All your amazing variations may be too tempting for me to resist though.

Thanks so much for linking up at Mealtime Monday! Can't wait to see what you link up tonight!


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