
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Skinny Caramel Truffles

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You read that right, kids. These are SKINNY truffles. It's seems to be an oxymoron , I know, but I am tellin' the truth.  They are also:

  • No bake
  • 5 ingredients
  • Simple to make
  • Yummy

I almost hate to tell you what's inside of these pretty little things. I wish I could just feed them to you and watch your eyes get wide as I tell you they're healthy. But since I can't do that, I guess I will have to tell you how to make them for yourselves.

They are full of fiber and protein, and are coated in delicious dark chocolate (antioxidants, people!). Just don't write these off after reading the ingredients. They are GOOD and even kid approved, so try them, k?

Skinny Caramel Truffles
by: Back For Seconds
  Makes about 25 small truffles

  • 1 cup Fiber 1 cereal (or similar)
  • 4 oz low fat cream cheese
  • 2 Tbs brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp caramel extract
  • 8 oz dark chocolate
In a food processor grind cereal finely. Add cream cheese, brown sugar, and caramel extract and pulse until it all comes together. Roll into bite sized balls (be sure to keep them small) and set on a parchment lined cookie sheet and freeze for 1 hour. Melt chocolate until smooth, thinning with a bit of coconut oil if needed. Dunk the frozen truffles in the chocolate and lift out with a fork, tapping it gently to smooth. Immediately add sprinkles if desired. Store in the refrigerator but let come to room temp before eating. Enjoy!

Want another skinny recipe?

Need more truffles?

I party here


Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

I love this! SOOOOO good. I pinned them, yummy!

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Wow, skinny caramel truffles coated in chocolate? I thought I'd never ever dream of something this badass. And of course, if it has sprinkles on top, you KNOW I'm game!

Erin said...

These look good, good, good!!! I love that they are kind of healthy. That means I could eat twice as much =o)

Cassie A Little Treat said...

These sound delish! love that they are skinny!

Cassie A Little Treat said...

These look delish and I love that they are skinny!

Meme said...

yum! great idea!
I stopped by from Michelle's Tasty Creations

Kristin said...

Bookmarking this for future use! It'll be filed under "skinny treats for emergencies". :)

With A Blast said...

Looks delicious! Pinned and will make for my daughter who suddenly decided to eat more "skinny stuff" {and she loves her sweets}
Have a nice day!

Unknown said...

Hi there! I found you on the Wednesday Blog Hop and am now a new follower of your lovely blog. I'd love a follow back at said...

You wouldn't think you'd hear the words "skinny" and "truffle" in the same sentence! But thank heavens! These look great! Love that they are made from Fiber 1 cereal, that is brilliant!

The Better Baker said...

MY kind of recipe - PINNNING! Yum-oooooo!!!

Michelle Day said...

Wow, these look so wonderful. I love a skinny dessert, especially one with caramel flavor! Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next. Have a great weekend.


SallysBakingAddiction said...

this may make me sound like an old woman but I actually LOVE fiber one. Seriously. It's SO good lol. I've never baked or "no-baked" with it though! I love these skinny mini little guys! Stephanie, you are SO creative!

Unknown said...

Oh My!! Yes, I'm definitely going to make these soon! Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 42. I hope to see you again each week. <3 and hugs!

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

I love using Fiber One in recipes--people never have a clue! =) We make a really yummy/healthy faux buffalo chicken "wing" that is coated with Fiber One, and it is delicious! I never thought of putting it in a filling like this, what a great idea! Now I can eat my truffles guilt-free!

architectureofamom said...

oh, wow! can't believe they are skinny! awesome! stopping by via the grant life!

Nicole said...

Interesting recipe - I've never seen another like this. They look tasty - I think I'll give it a try. Visiting from Piece o Cake link up - have a great weekend :)

Jaclyn said...

I never would have thought to use Fiber 1 cereal in a truffle! I'm making these tomorrow. said...

Anything with the words skinny and no bake is worth trying! Thanks for the idea. I'm hosting a linky party "One Creative Weekend" at I'd love for you to visit and link up this idea and/or anything else you'd like to share.

Jill @ Create.Craft.Love. said...

Your desserts always look amazing! Thanks for sharing at the Pomp Party! Pinning to our Pomp Party board!

Alil Country Sugar said...

This would for sure satisfy a dieter's sweet tooth. Thank you for linking to Foodie Friends Friday.

Cindy Kerschner said...

Thanks for stopping by Foodie Friends Friday and sharing this link!Stop by our homepage at Http:// and grab our button! said...

Yum! I’m so glad you linked this up at One Creative Weekend! I love it!

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness said...

Sounds delicious. It sounds like the best of both worlds skinny and yummy.

April said...

OK these almost look too cute to eat, but I would totally eat them! LOL I hope you will link up with me here:

Lois Christensen said...

These would be great for anyone! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! Hope you come back next week!

Anonymous said...

Love these recipes, love no bake healthy good treats, I would love it if you would link up with me at Heavenly Treats Link Party (Desserts)

I would love to do a button swap with you, if you are interested, you can go to my sponsor page and enter promo code SWAP for small ad!

Me And My Sweets said...

Hi! That looks yummie! I would like you to join My Sweet Party. Check it out at


Ericka Breedlove said...

These look fantastic! My daughter would love this sweet treat and I love the fact that they are a lighter recipe! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!

From Calculus to Cupcakes said...

I love anything healthy that tastes like dessert! Thanks for linking up on Foodie Friends Friday!

vikki said...

Wow, now I have to make those. I have been watching my weight, high school reunion you know. Thanks for the great recipe.

Unknown said...

Those look so yummy!! I am your newest follower from the Sunday Social. :)

Kathy @

Meaningful Mama said...

These look so tasty. I love truffles.

Seaweed and Raine said...

Amazing! I don't know what Fibre cereal is... but I'm hoping it's simmilar to Saltana Bran or some such. I'm about to start hosting a Mother's group for mum's with little babies (there are lots on our block) so I've been looking for little nibbles that I can set out. Thanks for the recipe! :)

Carole said...

they look delicious - but not super skinny!
I found this on Stone Gable's On the Menu Monday. I have linked in a fried chicken dish that you don't want to look at if you are dieting! Have a nice week.

Unknown said...

Oh my god! These look amazing!

Following from the blog hop Musings of an Imperfect Mom

Kim of Mo Betta said...

I'm SO making these!

Unknown said...

These look really good and I like the idea that they are healthy. Thanks for sharing at Showcase Your Talent Thursday!

Unknown said...

Oh, my. What a fantastic idea!

Unknown said...

This looks amazing - and I can't wait to try it. I love truffles, and love that these are a skinny version. Hopping over from Whatcha Whipped Up tonight; hope you'll swing by and say hi soon! :)

Maria Kitching said...

The word 'skinny' caught my attention while over at the trendy treehouse. These look yummy.
Maria Crafty Chic

Maria Kitching said...

These look yummy,the word skinny caught my eye over at the trendy treehouse.
Maria Crafty Chic

Natasha Mairs - Serenity You said...

these look so yummy, and that cookie dough dip is to die for!

Anonymous said...

I love it and I'm trying these! I would really like if you could link this recipe to Thursday Food Fest at I open Wed eves. Thanks! Sarah

Chrissy said...

These look so yummy! Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to give them a try!

amy (fearless homemaker) said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe how good these are for you - that's awesome! I love any recipe that's healthified + the fact that they're no-bake? even better!

Renee C. said...

Bubblegum Cookie Truffles - for real?? I have GOT to try those. You've been pinned! :)

I’m visiting from the Totally Social Link-Up and I’ve subscribed by email to your site. Great timing for this Linky because all our email subscribers are automatically entered into our Summer Reading Weekly Book Giveaways all summer long. Hope you get a chance to visit and subscribe. Cheers, Renee

Unknown said...

these look delicious. The fact that they are good for you? A total bonus! I would love it if you would share this on my linky party - Tout It Tuesday.

Jen said...

I would never have guessed the fiber cereal. Good call! I really want to try this!

Unknown said...

Ok, first your cookie dough dip and now this. I'd say you're taking all the fun out of dessert but with these recipes, I can eat more! I wonder if I could use Special K for these, that's the closest I'd be able to get to a fiber cereal. I think I'll be finding out soon! Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer said...

These look amazing! I can't wait to see more of your delicious recipes! Your truffles are a feature this week!

Thanks for linking up!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

These truffles look so decedent... and they are healthy! I'm making these! Thanks for sharing this great DYI with us at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS!

Unknown said...

What?!?! Going to have to make these!! Newly following from the blog hop!!

Kimberly said...

Mmm. Those look delicious! Thanks for sharing!

xo-Kimberly {allons-y kimberly}

Unknown said...

They're beautiful and they sound really yummy!

MissCandiquik said...

Really!? These look great and a whole lot less sinful than many treats I could think of :)

Kim of Mo Betta said...

These were a huge hit with the kids and I!

Myranda said...

These skinny truffles look AH-MAZING! I love caramel and I am pinning this to my weight loss board. Thanks!
Mrs B
Pretty Living

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