
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Creamy Lime Baked Taquitos

Do ya'll like Mexican fare? It is my favorite kind of food these days, and it's not just because of the delicious margaritas (they sure do help though). I can't seem to get enough of guacamole - I'm addicted. I make it, eat it, crave it...and the cycle starts all over again. Enchiladas, tacos, fajitas etc. are dinner staples around these parts.

These taquitos were a little accidental, to be honest. I intended on making enchiladas, but I ran out of ingredients so at the last minute I made a few changes and called them taquitos instead. It was a delicious accident. They are sweet, tangy and creamy on the inside, and crispy and cheesy on the outside. And unlike normal taquitos, these guys aren't fried. Much healthier. Perfect.

Creamy Lime Baked Taquitos
by: Back For Seconds
  • 3-4 large chicken breasts cooked and shredded
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 1 Tbs chili powder
  • salt to taste
  • juice of one lime
  • 1 Tbs honey
  • 1 cup shredded cheese
Preheat oven to 400*
Toss all ingredients minus lime juice into a large skillet. Stir often over med/low heat until the cheese is melted and creamy. Turn off heat and stir in the lime juice.  Spoon mixture evenly into 10-12 soft tortillas and roll them up tightly with the seams down. Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 20 minutes uncovered.

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annies home said...

these sound great my family loves mexican and I love this recipe come see what we shared

Brooke Arellano said...

YUM! After looking through your posts I found like 10 recipes in one minute that I can't wait to try! I can't wait to find more! I think I'm going to try these taquitos tmw. I'm stopping by from the hop and am now a new follower:) Would love if you could stop by Crazy Mama Drama when you get a chance;)

Bety said...

Looks yum!

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Those sound amazing! Sooo good. I love Mexican food. Seriously, if I could only make one dinner for the rest of my life, it would be some sort of Mexican flavor.

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Helllllllla yum! I love Mexican food. Guac could be my blood type; I live and die for avocados! Plus, healthified Mexican fare? Seriously, are you purposely trying to win my heart, because you're succeeding greatly. Yum!!

SallysBakingAddiction said...

Mexican is my favorite Stephanie! My boyfriend Kevin and I go out for mexican on our anniversaries. Is that weird? We do it because our first date was out for margaritas and guacamole. :) I might have to make these for him one day!!

Anonymous said...

I love the baked option to these taquitos! And could eat/drink nothing but guac and margaritas and be happy I think...totally dangerous.

Carole said...

How creative. I must cook more Mexican!

I found you on Stone Gable's On the Menu Monday. I have linked in bacon and scrambled egg rolls. Have a nice week.

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

YUM! We seriously eat Mexican once a week; it's our absolute favorite! We make a similar baked taquito, but I never thought of adding in honey--sounds fabulous! I'll definitely add this version in on our weekly rotation! Thanks for sharing. =)

The Pretty Pinhead said...

Pinning this! Thanks so much for sharing.

New follower via GFC Blog Hop :)

The Pretty Pinhead

The Preppy Student said...

those look delicious! I want them here with me right now! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow The Preppy Student. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog! I found you on the blog hop!

Unknown said...

Ooh boy! This looks SO yummy! I will definitely put this on my menu for next week! THanks so much for sharing. I'm visiting from Welcome Wednesday! Come by and visit me if you get the chance!

Unknown said...

We eat a lot of Mexican food in our house too! I just love it! These sound fantastic with all the lime! Thanks for sharing on Whatcha' Whipped Up

Michelle Day said...

YUM! Mexican is my all time favorite food group! These taquitos are a must try. They look delish. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next. Have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

YUM! I love accidental delicious food! Think I'll make these for supper. Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 42. I hope to see you again each week. <3 and hugs!

Aunt B said...

Gosh those sound good! I've pinned them to my "poultry" board. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

Unknown said...

I am a huge fan of Mexican food! I will have to try these asap!! :) Thanks so much for linking them up to Weekend Potluck!

Nicole said...

Yumm - Theses look really tasty. I must make ... & soon ... I think I'm really craving mexican food! Visiting from Friday Flair linkup - Have a wonderful weekend :)

Jen @ frazzled 5 said...

These look Delish! Cannot wait to get my hubby to make them! Blessed to have found your blog, new follower over from bacon time!
hugs, jen @ f5

Alil Country Sugar said...

This is for sure my kind of food. I am a Mexican food freak too. And guacamole is high on my list of favorites. Thank you for linking to Foodie Friends Friday. Now I'm going to go pin this recipe.

Unknown said...

we LOVE taquitos! yours look delicious said...

These look so good! I'm pinning this recipe. Thanks so much for linking up at One Creative Weekend!

Lisa @ Flour Me With Love said...

Oh so yummy! Thanks so much for sharing :)

Lois Christensen said...

These look so good! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday. Please come back again next week with another great recipe!

Unknown said...

Found you through The Sassee Life Sunday Social Link up. All your recipes look fabulous and I'm really hungry for a sweet treat now!

Unknown said...

These taquitos look really good! I can't wait to try them. Thanks for sharing on Showcase Your Talent Thursday!

Cheerios and Lattes said...

I love taquitos! Thank you for posting on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week.

Unknown said...

oh yumm!! Thanks for sharing at Create & Inspire

Ericka Breedlove said...

I love this idea!! You have so many great finger food recipes! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!

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