
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Back For Seconds

I am really excited to start this adventure in the world of food blogging! 
I am not a professional chef, I have not been formally trained. I just love making yummy food for my family and I am pumped to start sharing my kitchen adventures with you (and hopefully make some friends along the way)!
Let's get cookin!


cupsbykim said...

Welcome to the crazy world of foodie blogs! Mandy sent me over! Good luck with all of your food blogging adventures! I'm your latest follower! Stop by my blog and link up if you'd like!

Darling @ Junque 'n my Trunk said...

Welcome to blogging!! It is a great community - I look forward to comments (& compliments) on my posts :) I am now anxious to see your posts! xoxo from your newest follower!

Beth @ Good to be the Cook said...

Your stuff is great so far! Had no idea you just started... it's a great start! Congrats :)

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

Wow. "Back for Seconds" is a great name for your blog. Everything looks delicious! I want to pin everything! haha I'm adding you to my blog roll right now! So glad you linked up on my blog today so I could find you! :)

Nabeel said...

Welcome to this world of food blogs contains every information about every type of food stuff. Indian Cuisine.

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