
About Me

I'm Stephanie: The recipe developer, baker, photographer, and author here at Back For Seconds. Here are some random things about me:

1. I believe in miracles.
2. I am addicted to all things sparkly.
3. I can't make a decision to save my life.
4. My hair color is constantly changing (see #3).
5. I am compassionate.
6. I love fashion.
7. Chocolate, gooey, and fudgy desserts get the thumbs up from me.
8. I never use recipes or measure ingredients. This blog forces me to keep track of such things ;)
9. I feel naked without jewelry.
10. I like shopping a little too much.
11. I love cooking/baking with my little girl.
12. I love being a mom and I try to soak up every second I have with my babies.
13. I love taking pictures and the photographs of my family are among my most treasured possessions.
14. I get totally giddy (and still get butterflies) on dates with my husband.
15. I like to overdose on accessories.
16. I am a hairstylist.
17. I design, create, and sell jewelry (found here).
18. I don't believe there is a greater sound than baby giggles. When all 3 of my littles are giggling together it totally melts me.
19. I have naturally curly hair.
20. Peanut butter and chocolate is my favorite flavor combo.

Let's get personal:

* I am married to the coolest guy ever. We got engaged at 20, and after 8 years of marriage we are still crazy about each other.
* I am a Christian. I don't do everything right. I make mistakes. I don't deserve God's grace but thankfully, He gives it freely anyway.
* I am mama to nine babies. Six are in the arms of Jesus and I miss them everyday. Our daughter and twin baby boys give us immeasurable joy and they are proof that miracles happen.
* As much as I would like to, I can't please everyone, but if I am honoring the Lord, that's all that really matters.

And lastly, a confession:

More often than not, I eat cookies for breakfast!

Thanks a million for stopping by and taking the time to get to know me a bit. I want to get to know you too and I love getting comments and emails from you! So, don't be shy - I want to hear from you! :)

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