
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fudge Brownie Ice Cream Cones

Recently I shared a little bit about my twins 1st birthday party here.

Of course, making one huge cake, 2 smash cakes, and chocolate covered pretzels wasn't enough. I had to make something fun for all the kids at the party.

I have seen cupcake cones before, but we already had plenty of cake so I decided to whip up a batch of my favorite brownie recipe and bake those inside the cones, then frost them to look like ice cream.
I bought cherries to put on top, but I thought they looked really cute with just the sprinkles.

I thought these tasted way better than the cake version. Then again, brownies are basically my favorite food ;)
Don't you just want to reach out and take a bite? 

Fudge Brownie Ice Cream Cones
by: Back For Seconds

  • 1/2 cup butter (melted)
  • 1/2 cup cocoa
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cups flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 350* 
In a large bowl stir together the melted butter and cocoa. Mix in the sugar until smooth. Add eggs one at a time until well mixed then add salt and vanilla. Slowly add in the flour and stir until smooth and well blended. Pour into 20 cones and fill to about 1/2" from the top. Bake on cookie sheet about 15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out with fudgy crumbs. Let cool and pipe on your favorite frosting. Store at room temperature in a covered container for up to 5 days. 

Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties


Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Girl, these are so stinkin' cute! And your pictures look PHENOM, too!! I love that you chose blue and green for the twins; cute colors and they make for adorable smash cakes and frosted brownie cones :) now I wish I was at the party!

SallysBakingAddiction said...

Stephanie, these are an adorable party treat!! Esp for little kiddies. And IO love all the sprinkles. You did a fab job frosting them too. Such precision! I'm glad you made chocolate covered pretzels too. You know I'm a sucker for those!

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Why have I never thought to do that? I'm always like, cake in a cone. Meh. But BROWNIE???? I'm so there. These are so adorable, and I love how you served them too!

Winnie said...

Gorgeous little cones
Great idea to change the regular cake-in-a-cone to bronies!

4Sisters said...

YUM!! Brownies in a cone...that is a great idea!!

Becca @ Crumbs and Chaos

Unknown said...

Gaah! These look INSANELY delish! I've never heard of a brownie cone! Cannot wait to make these!! :)

Cramer Coffee and Jesus said...

Oh wow, those look d-lish! I will be coming back for like....thirds and fourths if that's ok. hahaha. Sorry it took so long to visit ya from the I love my Online friends hop - I was guest hosting and...I was super busy - just now getting around to meeting some peeps. Glad I found your page. I'm your newest follower and totally relying on you to make me look like super stay at home wife and mom...because that's what I suppose we do, right? bake and cook and make life good...hahaha. excited for more recipes and cute stuff like this!!

Lindsay said...

Hi! I found your post at "I should be mopping the floor" and would love for you to share it at my link party at Wish I had seen these before my son's birthday party! See you at the party!

Anni S said...

Hey there!

Stopping by from the GFC blog hop today :)

I´m a new follower! YUMMY blog! :D

Smooches from Germany and have a nice day!
Anni // Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded

Myprettymummy said...

Lovely blog! Found you via the blog hoppy! Am now a loyal follower! xx

Unknown said...

Those are so cute! I love the Cake too.. My sons second birthday is coming up.. so I want to keep this in mind for his birthday!

I'm your newest follower from the GFC blog hop!

Carrie @ My Favorite Finds said...

Love those! So glad to see you linked up to the GFC Blog Hop. Wow....I remember when my twins were so little :). They're hitting double digits next year-the big 10!

Dash Interiors said...

These are too cute! Found ya on GFC and am so excited to follow you have a fab blog here! Great to meet you :)

Anonymous said...

I'm here from the hop. These look amazing. I especially love that you used brownie instead of cake. I love the thicker texture of brownie for this recipe. Glad I found you!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, these look soooooo gosh darn delicious! I found your blog via Wonderful Wednesday. When you have a moment, swing by + say hey! I also have a feature called Teach Me Something Thursday - I would love for you to contribute with a killer recipe that you've done on your blog!


Unknown said...

Love that you made brownies in the cones instead of cupcakes. Good thinking:)These are so cute; I love the color scheme.
Dawn @ DJ's Sugar Shack

Jennifer @Miss Maggie's Place said...

These look too pretty to eat! :) I would love to feature this recipe on my brand new party blog. If you'd like to be featured please email me at missmaggiesplace(@)yahoo(dot)com.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to try making something like this. They look so cute.

Stay in the Lines

Amberly @ Bingo Buttercup Art said...

These bring me back to my elementary school days! My lovely mom made cupcakes like these and surprised my 2nd grade class one day. Ahhh, everybody freaked out over the faux ice cream cone's yumminess and whimsical cuteness. But your brownie twist sounds heavenly! Great job my dear! I found ya via Hubby Made Me's Throwback Thursday party. And I will definitley return back to your scrumptious blog. :)

Mary said...

Oh I love your iced brownie cones~ fun for big kids too :) Visiting from TT&T!

Michelle Day said...

These look super delish and are SO cute! I have always wanted to try cakes or brownies in the ice cream cones, just never have tried. Now I can’t wait to try this recipe. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday. Can’t wait to see what you share next week! Have a wonderful weekend :)

Unknown said...

YUMMO...I LOVE brownies too! Thanks for giving me another way to enjoy my favorite 'cookie'!

Miki said...

They look amazing! I think I'll try this soon ;).

Hope your week's off to a great start!


Paula said...

Those look so yummy and fun! We'd love for you to link them up to our party!

Britni @ Hubby Made Me said...

Those are too cute!! And they look super yummy, love the colors! :)

Anonymous said...

i like all type of brownies you are displaying here and all are very testy thanks for sharing the quality items information.

Brownies Delivered

Debra Kapellakis said...

"Don't you just want to reach out and take a bite?"

Unknown said...

Supercute and looks delish! What did you use to display the brownie cones? Looks like a cookie sheet or cupcake tin, wrapped in paper? Love it!

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