
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back For Seconds Social *Link Party* and {Features}

Let's jump right in and gawk at this weeks features, shall we?
There was a tie for the most popular links - I can see why!

Homemade Nutella from Joan @ Chocolate, Chocolate, and More Chocolate

and Chocolate Caramel Sweet Rolls from Sheryl @ Lady Behind the Curtain

Lady Behind The Curtain - Chocolate Caramel Sweet Rolls

High Heels and Grills shared this Restaurant Style Salsa. Chips and Salsa are one of my favorite foods and this salsa looks incredible!

April from Dimples and Delights made these Gooey Bars...I'm a sucker for gooey desserts!

Eva from The Evas of Bellabini shared these adorable Puppy Cupcakes - so stinkin cute, right?

Congratulations!! Grab a button and wear it proud!

Now onto the Back For Seconds Social!

Please tell your friends about this party! Link up and tweet, facebook, blog, instagram your besties and tell them the Back For Seconds Social is where it's at! You guys rock!

Here's the skinny:
  • Link up your recipes, DIY projects, helpful tips, etc...I want to see it all! (Please only link up your own material)
  • Check out some other links - this is a Social after all :) Have fun and come back next week to see if you were featured!

20 comments: said...

Those are some really yummy features! Thanks so much for the party! Have a great week.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to be linking here again this week, thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting!!!

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Thanks for the party, as always!

April said...

*gasp* You liked my Gooey Bars!! I'm so glad! Thank you so much :) This just completely made my day

Unknown said...

Aww thank you so much for featuring our salsa! You're such a doll. I can't wait to show off your button!! :)

Leslie said...

Thanks for hosting!

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Thanks for the partay, girl! Love the features this week :)

SkinnySimpleRecipes said...

You have a nice blog. Thanks for hosting!!Meriem

Lady Behind The Curtain said...

Thanks for featuring my Chocolate Caramel Sweet Rolls! Today I am sharing my Brown Sugar Cookies 4-Ways! Thanks for hosting and have a GREAT week!
~Sheryl @ Lady Behind The Curtain~

Lindsay said...

thanks for the invite, I added my party caramel apples to the party. I would love for you to join my link party at

Lindsay said...

I also added you to my link party list page :) --mommys sweet confessions

Winnie said...

Thank you for another party!
wonderful features :)

SallysBakingAddiction said...

Woohoo! Weds Link Party. Love it girl. SOmeone needed to post a Weds party... it's the middle of the week and I needed a highlight to get me through til Friday. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for featuring my Nutella, it really is addicting. Have a great day!

With A Blast said...

Thank you for hosting! Have a great week,
With A Blast

Jess said...

Thank you for hosting! I am loving the features.

Unknown said...

Lots of great features again this week! Thanks for hosting the social.

Unknown said...

Thanks for featuring my puppy dog cupcakes! I've grabbed your button and have it featured on my featured page.

Deb A said...

Thanks for hosting - seeing some good eats here!

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