
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Strawberry Lemonade Cookies and *Link Party*

Summer is quickly coming to an end, and I want to soak up every last bit of it. Some of you may be eagerly awaiting fall and the cooler temps, but I don't want summer to end!
I can't think of anything more summery than strawberries and lemonade. Put those two flavors together and you get a crazy good cookie sandwich!!

I shared these Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cookies with you a few weeks ago (SO yummy!).

 These cookies use the same simple 3 ingredient recipe. They are so moist and soft and chewy, and they are bursting with strawberry flavor! They are delish on their own but these babies were screaming for some lemonade filling! I was happy to oblige. It's a very simple buttercream base with lemon juice added - lemonade in frosting form? Yes, please!
Summer may be coming to an end, but these flavors are delightful year round. Stick some in your kiddo's lunch boxes, and your man's briefcase (and obviously hide a few in your purse). You'll be glad you did.

Strawberry Lemonade Cookies
by: Back For Seconds

  • 1 box strawberry cake mix
  • 1/2 cup butter (softened)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup butter (softened)
  • 3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3-4 Tbs lemon juice
Preheat oven to 350*
In a large bowl mix together the cake mix, butter, and egg until well combined. Drop spoonfuls onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 6-7 minutes. They will be soft - do not overbake! Let cool on wire racks before filling.
Beat together the butter, vanilla, powdered sugar, and 2 Tbs lemon juice. If very thick continue to add lemon juice 1 Tbs at a time until it reaches desired consistency. 
Lay cookies flat side up and spread filling on half of the cookies. Top with remaining cookies. Store in an airtight container at room temperature. 

And now LET'S PARTY!!!!!
Since this party is so new, I would be over the moon thrilled if you would help me spread the word! A party isn't a party without all of you! Invite your friends - tweet, facebook, blog, instagram your besties and tell them the Back For Seconds Social is where it's at! You guys rock!

Here's the skinny:
  • Link up your recipes, DIY projects, helpful tips, etc...I want to see it all! (Please only link up your own material)
  • Check out some other links - this is a Social after all :) Have fun and come back next week to see if you were featured! (You can find this weeks features here)
Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties


Carrie Robinson said...

These cookies look great! Just pinned them. :)

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Thanks for the party! LOVE these cookies. Now I want them even more!

Leslie said...

Thanks so much for hosting!

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

I love that you're hosting parties now! Makes it even more fun :) and these cookies look awesome!! Strawberry lemonade is one of the things I *do* love about summer and these cookies look so refreshing! I definitely think I'll be stashing them all in my purse though :)

Elizabeth King said...

These cookies look super cute and delicious!

Winnie said...

Thanks for another party!:)

The cookies look wonderful and I'd love to try. but I need a recipe from scratch. We don't' have here trawberry cake mix said...

Those lemonade cookies look sooo good! Lemonade is one of the best summer flavors. I love the perfect pink color. Thanks for the party!

Lisa @ Flour Me With Love said...

I love the cookies! Thanks so much for hosting :)

SallysBakingAddiction said...

First of all, I love you and all of your strawberry cookies! Those chocolate strawberry cookies are STILL swirling through my mind and now you've trumped them with a strawberry cookie reminiscent of my favorite drink. :)

Second, thank you for hosting this link party my dearest!

Anonymous said...

The strawberry lemonade cookies look great, and we'd love to feature them on as a how-to. Interested? Feel free to email me at for more info.

Deb A said...

Thanks for hosting and have a great week :-) Deb

Unknown said...

Found you on the CHQ blog hop! Love your recipes and I am excited to be your newest follower!

emily said...

these look SO good! i'm a chocolate dessert person and my fiance is a lemon dessert person-- but i think these would have me switching sides!

will you share the recipe on my link party? i think my readers would LOVE to see these cookies!

Nicole @WonkyW said...

Yum- the strawberry lemonade cookies look amazing!

Unknown said...

Found you on Foodtastic Friday! These cookies look beautiful and sound very easy! Pinned and can't wait to try! ~Jasmine

Erin said...

Those cookies look yummy! A perfect summer treat...oh, I don't want summer to end!

Michelle Day said...

Yum! These cookies look delish! Thanks for sharing at Creative Thursday this week. Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

HI! Found this great recipe via 733 blog! Love it, and loved the link up! Thanks, I added a Mason jar project. :) And tweeted too. Have a great day!

Jenn said...

Yum - those sound delicious!

Michelle O said...

These look so yummy! Just added a few links to your party too :)

I would love to invite you over to my Link Party at The Purple Pumpkin Blog Hope to see you there!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

These look so delicious (does anything you make not look delicious?) . YUM!

Meredith @ Wait Til Your Father Gets Home said...

Oh my yum! These look so delicious :o)
Thanks for linking up to Keep Calm & Link Up this week!

Renée said...

These are so pink and pretty AND now pinned! thanks...

Unknown said...

Yum right now I'm on a cake mix cookie kick and a strawberry kick. These are right up my alley! Thanks for sharing on Whatcha Whipped Up

Unknown said...

Love these! They look great! Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 47. Looking forward to more amazing recipes! <3 and hugs!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

I'd be back for second too, what pretties cookies. So easy to make with a cake mix and the pink color is so pretty and appealing! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – you helped make the party a success! said...

Featuring YOU today! :)

Ginger @

Unknown said...

These look GREAT! Featuring you on Saturday! XO, Aimee

Terry said...

The cookies look amazing and just the name alone sounds yummy! Thanks for sharing this at Sunday Blog Love. You make the best things! This is going to be featured as one of my favorites from last week, have a wonderful rest of the week!

Anonymous said...

These cookies look so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Mackenzie said...

These cookies look awesome! Thanks for sharing then on Saturday Show & Tell last weekend! You are a featured favorite this weekend! Can't wait to see what you share!
Mackenzie :)

Honey I'm Home Blog said...

These are so pretty & they look so delicious. It's my pleasure to feature you in my Fabulous Friday Favorites today. Thanks so much for linking up and please feel free to take an "I Was Featured" button if you like.

Warmly, Michelle

Tobins' Tastes said...

How cute are those!

Thanks for sharing at Mealtime Monday! Can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow night!


Unknown said...

I made these today for a BBQ and I made two easy revisions that upped the ante.

I chopped up fresh strawberries in to the cake mix. I had to bake the cookies a little longer, but I figured it would add texture and some flavor. Also, Instead of using packaged lemon juice, I juiced two lemons and also added lemon zest to the buttercream.

Early results approve of this cake/cookie, I'll have more feedback this afternoon. :)

It was very hard to not just eat the icing on its own!

Unknown said...

These look awesome! I love anything with strawberry lemonade.

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