
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Peanut Butter S'mores Bars

Everybody love s'mores, right? But we can all agree they're a big mess. I kind of hate getting messy. And sticky. Ew.  So I found a way to make these yummy treats less messy...and more delicious.

Enter into the equation our dear friend peanut butter. This guy makes everything better and these bars are no exception! So as summer is drawing to a close and you start getting invited to bonfires - bring these bad boys to share. You will instantly be best friends with everyone there ;)

Instead of graham crackers I used Golden Grahams cereal. It's perfect.
Part of the chocolate chips get stirred into the mix while the marshmallow goodness is still hot, so they juuuuust start to melt.
The generous scoop of peanut butter adds a creaminess that helps keep these bars gooey. Drool.
Have I convinced you yet? Go make these!

Peanut Butter S'mores Bars
by: Back For Seconds

  • 3 Tbs butter
  • 3/4 cup peanut butter
  • 6 cups marshmallows
  • 6 cups Golden Grahams cereal
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
In a large pot melt the butter and peanut butter over medium heat. Stir in marshmallows and continue stirring until melted. Remove from heat and gently combine with cereal and 1 1/2 cups of the chocolate chips. Press gently into a greased 9x13" pan and sprinkle with remaining chocolate chips. When cool, cover and store at room temperature.

Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties


Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Oh wow. You took golden grahams up a notch. Peanut butter? To. Die. For. And I'm all about the no mess. Outdoors? What's that?

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Golden Grahams... one of my favorite cereals and now, one of my favorite stars in s'mores bars! I LOVE pairing pb with s'mores... it cuts back some of the chocolate (sadly, I'm crazed and think there *can* be such a thing as too much chocolate) plus hello, fluffernutters?! Amazeballs. These look awesome and gooey without being too sticky... love!

Heather @ InHerChucks said...

WOW! I can'e help myself...I'm drooling :) I love all things s'mores. Can't wait to give these a try. Here are some of my favorite s'mores recipes. S'mores Bars... and S'mores Rice Krispy treats...

Thanks for sharing. Found you through Mom's test kitchen.

SallysBakingAddiction said...

Stephanie! These look so perfect and I love the short ingredient list! I've never had PB with as'more before, except for my s'more puppy chow, so I am SUPER intrigued with this recipe! Those melty chocolate chips take the cake! They look irresistible :)

Unknown said...

Ya, these are awesome!! Found them on Creative Me. :) Have a great week!

Jessica@AKitchenAddiction said...

Amazing! Give me a fork and I'd be eating those right out of the pan!

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

I love recipes that have a short ingredient list! =) And I LOVE Golden Grahams--why have I not thought of something like this before??? These look amazing!!

Winnie said...

These are looking divine!!

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

These look so delicious! Love that you used the graham cracker cereal! Pinned it on my S'mores board on Pinterest! Have a lovely week! Angie xo

Jaime said...

Oh my goodness! I'm in heaven!! This looks absolutely amazing!! Pinning :)

Thanks for sharing this at Mom's Test Meal Mondays!

Jill @ Create.Craft.Love. said...

Those look amazing! I LOVE smores! Thanks so much for linking up to the CHQ Blog Hop! Hope to see you again next week!

Unknown said...

Holy cow. These looks so. freaking. delicious. Now I need to make them - YUMMMM!!! Thank you SO much for sharing this recipe!!


Unknown said...

These bring me back to my childhood! I remember some sort of Golden Grahams chewy bar, but these look incredible! Can't wait to try! ~ Jasmine

Unknown said...

That is such a great idea, I hate the messiness of real smores LOL. Love your blog, new follower. :) I'd love to have you share this at my Show & Share Wednesday party!

Unknown said...

My girls are going to go nuts when I make these for them!Thanks for sharing, pinned!

Jess said...

These look great! I love the use of Golden Grahams. Thank you for sharing. :)

Michelle Day said...

Yum! These look delish! I can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing at Creative Thursday this week.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Wow these do look just yummy, I'm putting the recipe in my file.

Eileen said...

Wow, these do look delicious. Thanks for sharing. :)

Babs said...

These look yummy...and addictive. :)

Ms. Morgan said...

All of your recipes always look so yummy. This one however I'm going to have to share with my sister. She's a sucker for s'mores and chocolate/pb. She'll just flip over this.

Hope you can pop over to the Labor Day Giveaway I'm having.

Happy Blogging.

Karima said...

Mmmm - looks delicious (and so easy!) Your newest follower.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this! I actually made them and posted them on my blog here: Smores are some of my favorite things, I love having a different spin on them!! Thanks!!

Paula said...

Oh wow! Seriously, I might have to go right now and buy all the ingredients to make these! We'd love for you to share this at our party!

The Tablescaper said...

My kids would love these! Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays. Looking forward to having you with me this Sunday.

- The Tablescaper

Slice of Southern said...

Oh these loos so good! Hope you are having a great weekend.
Thanks for sharing on Southern Sundays.
Come back soon!

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