
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ice Cream 1st Birthday Bash and *Link Party*

 It's Party Time!!

I shared with you last week that my twin boys just turned one! This past weekend we threw a birthday bash in their honor. First birthdays are the BEST!
I had cute little man outfits made for them - complete with a button down vest and bow tie. They were such handsome little studs!

A party isn't a party without cake; and boy was there cake! Who wants to come over and help us eat the leftovers?? I made one large cake for all the party goers and two small cakes - one for each birthday boy. I poured chocolate ganache over each cake and topped them with upside down ice cream cones so it looked like they were melting all over the place. (One of the birthday boys is certainly my child - he scraped off all the ganache and ate that first.)
I also made little ice cream cones - and no it's not cake inside. I will post about those real soon. Adorable and delish!
I filled clear milk bottles with candy and tied balloons to them, and also had large blue, green, and orange polka dot balloons floating around. Enlarged photos of the birthday boys were on the tables, and their baby books were on display for the guests to look through.
It was such a fun day celebrating my two favorite little men!

Now onto the Back For Seconds Social!

Please tell your friends about this party! Link up and tweet, facebook, blog, instagram your besties and tell them the Back For Seconds Social is where it's at! You guys rock!

Here's the skinny:

  • Link up your recipes, DIY projects, helpful tips, etc...I want to see it all! (Please only link up your own material)
  • Check out some other links - this is a Social after all :) Have fun and come back next week to see if you were featured! You can find the features from last weeks party here.

Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties


Jess Cox said...

I LOVE this cake! It looks so yummy! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop and I'm loving your blog! I'd love for you to stop by and visit!

Lisa @ Flour Me With Love said...

The cake is adorable; I wish I lived close enough to stop over a get a bite ;) Thanks so much for hosting!

Bridget7575 said...

Thanks for hosting! Your cake is adorable! I'm a new follower from What's Cooking in the Burbs. Have a great evening!
Bridget said...

Such an incredible cake!!! Love it! Thanks for the party! Have a great week! Wish I were there to eat left over cake!

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

What an amazing cake (or, should I say, cakes)! So beautiful! I wish I could eat the leftovers with you. Happy Birthday to them!

menopausal mama said...

Awesome blog---just looking at the pictures makes me hungry for cake! Newest follower from the GFC blog hop. Would love it if you could visit and follow back. Thank you for sharing!

Deb A said...

What a great (and yummy) idea! What a special day! Thanks for hosting and have a great week!

Elizabeth King said...

This cake looks Awesome! ^_^

Vivi L. said...

I added you to my list link parties!! so excited!

Kristin said...

Those are my kind of cakes! Holy cow, lady! You can come do my birthday next year...
I think an "ice cream social" theme would be perfect for any future children of mine. :)

Nici @ Posed Perfection said...

Cute birthday cake! Sounds like it was an awesome party. Thanks so much for hosting. Hope you have a great week!

Winnie said...

What a gorgeous and cute cake!!
I'd love this cake for my birthday :)

Unknown said...

Oh My goodness, I LOVE that cake so much!

Really pleased I discovered your blog, I'm following you on GFC now :)

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

OH MY GOSH, these cakes are amazing! I love love LOVE that you went with an ice cream theme--that's seriously adorable and I'm jealous!

Megan@Whimsically Homemade said...

I just love love love that ice cream cone cake! It's too cute. So creative, I would have never thought of that. I hope your boys enjoyed it! Found you through CHQ blog hop. Love from your newest GFC and Facebook follower, Whimsically Homemade!

Unknown said...

YOU ARE AMAZING!! Those cakes are too cute!! Happy Birthday to your little guys! Thanks for hosting :)

Janie said...

Thank you for hosting :)
Those cakes are unbelievably adorable!!

SallysBakingAddiction said...

A button down vest and bow tie! How freaking adorable Stephanie!!! I love it so much. :) I hope the party was wonderful, you'll remember it forever. Thank you for hosting my dear!! :)

Michelle Day said...

Wow what an Awesome cake! Happy birthday to your little ones. Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

what an amazing cake!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Isn't that just adorable!!!

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little guys! And those cakes--holy wow! Those are amazing--I'm so impressed!

Jill @ said...

Love this! We just put up our Kitchen Fun & Craft Friday link party and would love for you to share this!

Unknown said...

i LOOOOVE this cake Idea! It looks like someone who isnt a pro baker could actually do it too! my kids both have B-days coming up in November, I might just have to give this a try! <3

KC Coake said...

What a cute cake!

The Jack Chronicles said...

Sp bright and colorful! You did an awesome job! New follower and linking up now with my recipes for FOOD THAT WOWS. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

So cute!! My daughter is sitting here with me and she just loves it too!

Unknown said...

Love that cake! It would be great if you would share it on Super Sweet Sunday. It would fit right in at my blog ;)
Thank you,

Erin said...

Cutest cake ever! Happy birthday to your little ones!

Nicole @WonkyW said...

Super Cute Party - & Love The Ice Cream Cake!

Emily Thompson said...

wow, adorable!!! I love this! oh and I've added your link party to my master list! Came over from Keeping it Simple. I would love to have you come over to my Tasteful Tuesday Link party! The link goes live MOnday night at 8:30.

Anonymous said...

What a DARLING birthday party you threw! I am LOVING the ganache dripping down the sides, it made the cake over the top amazing! Can't wait to hear the "scoop" on those little cones that aren't filled with cake. {I totally just cracked myself up}

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

What an incredible party! I wanted to let you know I featured your cake as part of my link party wrap up today!

Amanda @ The Little Giggler said...

What a beautiful cake! Everything looks amazing! Thank you for linking up at The Little Giggler!

The Domesticated Princess said...

The cake is adorable, and I just discovered your linky party because of it. I will be back on Tuesday to link up my creations!

Bonny @

Jaime said...

That is absolutely the cutest cake ever! Thanks so much for sharing this at Mom's Test Meal Mondays!!

Slice of Southern said...

Lovin this cute!
Thanks for sharing on Southern Sundays.
Come back soon!

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