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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Double Decker Coconut Cream Brownies

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There are two kinds of people in this world:
Sweet dessert lovers
Rich dessert lovers
I am the latter. 
Brownies are my weakness. There I said it. Now don't go using it against me!
You can wave lollipops and candy corn in front of me for as long as you want, I won't take 'em. Too sweet for me.
But put a plate of rich fudgy brownies nearby and I'm in trouble. And you're out of luck, because I just ate your brownie ;)

These are my favorite brownies on the planet. I have never tasted one that I like better. I make them all the time, but this time, I wanted to add a little something. Frosting. Coconut frosting.
I went a little overboard when piping the coconut goodness on this particular brownie. It seemed the frosting to brownie ratio was a bit off. No big deal, just add another brownie!
Ahhh, perfect!

Double Decker Coconut Cream Brownies
by: Back For Seconds

For the brownies:

  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup cocoa powder
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cup flour
For the frosting:
  • 1 cup butter softened
  • 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp coconut extract
  • 3-6 Tbs coconut milk
  • shredded coconut for garnish (if desired)
Preheat oven to 350*
In a large microwave safe bowl melt the butter and stir in the cocoa until well incorporated. Add in the sugar, vanilla, salt and eggs, stirring well with a wooden spoon after each egg addition. Slowly stir in the flour until well blended and smooth. Pour into a greased 9x13" pan and bake for 22-24 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Do not over bake, you want these nice and fudgy! Let cool before frosting.
For the frosting
Beat together butter, sugar, coconut extract, and 2 Tbs of coconut milk. If too thick add more coconut milk 1 Tbs at a time until it reaches the desired consistency. 

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Unknown said...

OMG...these look sinfully delish! YUMMY! :D

Kaz @ Melting Moments said...

Hi, these brownies look delightful. YUM.

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

COCONUT frosting? Wow. And those brownies look SO good. I {heart} brownies.

Anonymous said...

Looks really YUMMY!!

Nicole @WonkyW said...

Mmmm - chocolate and coconut ... Perfect! Looks delicious :)

Rachel Cotterill said...

I'm the same about brownies. Yum.

Anonymous said...

YUM!!!! said...

What a fantastic combination!!! Oh my god I adore coconut and in frosting! I'm trying this for sure!

Kristina said...

Participating in the GFC Blog Hop for the first time! I'm your newest follower. :)


SallysBakingAddiction said...

I love candy corn, lollipops, bubblegum, and gummi worms. But these brownies... oh man. When I need something rich, a brownie like this is what gets me through the day. Coconut milk must make that frosting unbelievably creamy. :)

Unknown said...

These look fantastic! I'm definitely leaving a new follower via GFC :D Hope you'll take the time to swing by some time!

{Sugar in My Grits}

Unknown said...

That looks delish!

Hopping by and following your lovely blog (FB, Twitter, HC, Instagram and Pinterest).

The Quiet Mom blogging @ How to Cook Fresh Artichoke Recipe

Also, don't miss this: 12 Major Reasons to Use Self-Hosted WordPress for Blogging and Selling Your Products Online + Custom Blog or Social Network Button Giveaway

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

My problem is that I like both sweet and rich. =) Brownies are definitely one of my favorites, though! And with coconut?? Man, oh man, this looks amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Brownies are my all time favorite and this is a new way to prepare them. You can be sure they are next on my dessert list.

Anonymous said...

OMG YUM! FYI- I've nominated you for the "Lieb ster Award"! Check it out, and thanks for having a great blog :)

Anonymous said...



I've nominated you for the "Lieb ster Award"! Check it out, and thanks for having a great blog :)

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

OMG. I {puffy heart} brownies. Majorly. They're one of my weaknesses, even though I like blondies a teensy bit better. But then you had to go and add COCONUT to the mix, and coconut is just the best thing evah. I will fight you for that last brownie!! :)

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

Ohmaigawdddd, I can't handle this! Coconut and coconut frosting on top of my brownie? No wonder we're such good friends :) these look AMAZING and I love your smarty tip about adding another brownie to that huge pile of frosting on top of that fudgey pillow of amazingness. Can you say Almond Joy brownie sandwich?! I {puffy heart} you and these gorgeous brownies!

Jaime said...

I'm a sweet dessert lover but these brownies look amazing! And I like that the coconut flavor comes from the milk, I'm not a fan of shredded coconut's texture but I do like the flavor :)

Thank you for linking up to Mom's Test Meal Mondays!

Unknown said...

I adore chocolate and coconut! looks fabulous

Winnie said...

These brownies look soooooooo rich and sinful - just perfect! I just have to try them :)

Anonymous said...

these look delicious, i will have to give these a go asap.
i would love it if you would drop past my blog and link up with us

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness are you serious?! Yumm!!!!

Thanks for linking up on the HOP today!

Anonymous said...

brownies are my weakness too ha! stopping by from the link up! so glad i did because your blog is super cute! cant wait to read more :)

Di Jinx said...

Wow, now those look GOOD! Pinned, immediately.
I found you through Salt Trees party. I linked up:
Thanks so much for this recipe:) Di{CookTheTV}

Shelley said...

Looks yummy!! I'm a new follower from the blog party!

Printabelle said...

OMG, those are completely decadent. How very delicious, thank for linking them!

The Style Sisters said...

Oh wow these sound amazing! Come link up to centerpiece Wednesday and share your ideas with us!

Delightfully Curious Designs said...


Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

I am getting a sweet tooth ache just by looking at your decedent photos! YUMMY! Thank you so much for joining TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS with your sweet treat!

Jess said...

Chocolate and coconut is a killer combination. Thanks!

The Mandatory Mooch said...

Coconut and brownies!! These sound dreamy. I’d love to have you link this up to Tasty Thursdays on The Mandatory Mooch.

Thanks, Nichi

Jill @ Create.Craft.Love. said...

Looks amazing! Thanks for linking up to the Pomp Party! Pinning!

Unknown said...

nothing can be too sweet or too rich, yummy!

ealldredge5 said...

Brownies are my favorite and these look absolutely delightful. Id love it if you stopped by my link party to share.

Sarah Leonard said...

Oh wow. These look so nice it's almost criminal. Naughty but nice!


Unknown said...

These sound delicious. O love coconut and brownies will have to try these.

Cottage and Broome said...

I love anything with coconut!!! These look so yummy! Laura

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Of all of your fabulous creations, this may just be my favorite!!

Leslie's Garden said...

Ummmm, I would like to add some vanilla ice cream, too! They look so delish!

Mary said...

Sinfully delicious!

Anita Rowe Stafford said...

These are beautiful brownies, they look like my kind of treat!

The Better Baker said...

YUMMERS!!!! This is MY kind of dessert too....thanks so much for linking up at Weekend Potluck.

Cindy said...

Yes, life is all about brownies!

Ang said...

these look AMAZING!! stopping by from mom's test meals monday - hope you'll come visit me at

Unknown said...

Yum, yum and dare I say it again, yum! I love me a good brownie and this looks so tasty. Thanks for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you tomorrow.

Unknown said...

Absolutely LOVE! Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 46. <3 and hugs!

Unknown said...

I've featured your awesome brownies on Thursday's Treasures Week 47. Could you please add a link back to week 46. <3 and hugs, dear!

kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor said...

These look fabulous! Featuring these tomorrow night at Mop It Up Mondays!

Malory {Snips & Spice} said...

Oh yum! Thanks for sharing at Snips and Spice Sunday Slice. I featured you this week!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those look absolutely fabulous! I HAVE to give these a try. Thanks so much for sharing! I'm heading to the kitchen right... now!

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