
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ice Cream 1st Birthday Bash and *Link Party*

 It's Party Time!!

I shared with you last week that my twin boys just turned one! This past weekend we threw a birthday bash in their honor. First birthdays are the BEST!
I had cute little man outfits made for them - complete with a button down vest and bow tie. They were such handsome little studs!

A party isn't a party without cake; and boy was there cake! Who wants to come over and help us eat the leftovers?? I made one large cake for all the party goers and two small cakes - one for each birthday boy. I poured chocolate ganache over each cake and topped them with upside down ice cream cones so it looked like they were melting all over the place. (One of the birthday boys is certainly my child - he scraped off all the ganache and ate that first.)
I also made little ice cream cones - and no it's not cake inside. I will post about those real soon. Adorable and delish!
I filled clear milk bottles with candy and tied balloons to them, and also had large blue, green, and orange polka dot balloons floating around. Enlarged photos of the birthday boys were on the tables, and their baby books were on display for the guests to look through.
It was such a fun day celebrating my two favorite little men!

Now onto the Back For Seconds Social!

Please tell your friends about this party! Link up and tweet, facebook, blog, instagram your besties and tell them the Back For Seconds Social is where it's at! You guys rock!

Here's the skinny:

  • Link up your recipes, DIY projects, helpful tips, etc...I want to see it all! (Please only link up your own material)
  • Check out some other links - this is a Social after all :) Have fun and come back next week to see if you were featured! You can find the features from last weeks party here.

Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties

Monday, August 27, 2012

Second to None {Party Features}

Time to see who is Second to None this week! There were so many fun links - here are a few of my favorites!
I love this unique and delicious looking treat from Jen at Yummy-Healthy-Easy. Chocolate Waffle Cookies? Oh yeah!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Peanut Butter S'mores Bars

Everybody love s'mores, right? But we can all agree they're a big mess. I kind of hate getting messy. And sticky. Ew.  So I found a way to make these yummy treats less messy...and more delicious.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Celebration Oreos

So, today is a BIG day for my family. It marks a huge milestone for us. I know I haven't shared anything personal here before but today is an exception ;)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Second To None {Features}

Before we get to the sweet stuff, I want to encourage you to be sure you come back here tomorrow! It's gonna be a really special day, and I  have a super fun treat for you!
I gotta tell ya, I am having a ball partying with all of you! Every link took me to a creative post that knocked my socks off! It's so hard choosing which ones to feature - all of you are so fabulous!!
Now let's see who is Second to none this week, shall we?

Lemons for Lulu shared these S'Mores Donuts - Donut perfection, me thinks.

Baking with Blondie Made Pepperoni Pizza Pull Apart Bread - Does this look amazing or what?!

How ridiculously cute are these Dinosaur Cookies from Sue at Munchkin Munchies?

And this the most popular link of the week was Salted Hot Fudge Caramel Brownies from Kristin from Kristin's kNook...I need these. Like, NOW!

Congratulations!! Grab a button and wear it proud!

Be sure to come back tomorrow at 6pm cst for this weeks party and a special post and a yummy treat!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to Make Your Own Chocolate Chunks

Have you linked up at the Back For Seconds Social yet? Click here to join the party!
Also, I have created a new party page where you can add your own link party! Look up - see the Sweet Parties tab? If you don't already see your party there just add your url under the day of the week your party starts. Thanks!

Forgive me for sharing such a simple post with you today. I almost didn't hit publish because I didn't want to insult your intelligence. This really is SO simple. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Strawberry Lemonade Cookies and *Link Party*

Summer is quickly coming to an end, and I want to soak up every last bit of it. Some of you may be eagerly awaiting fall and the cooler temps, but I don't want summer to end!
I can't think of anything more summery than strawberries and lemonade. Put those two flavors together and you get a crazy good cookie sandwich!!

I shared these Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cookies with you a few weeks ago (SO yummy!).

 These cookies use the same simple 3 ingredient recipe. They are so moist and soft and chewy, and they are bursting with strawberry flavor! They are delish on their own but these babies were screaming for some lemonade filling! I was happy to oblige. It's a very simple buttercream base with lemon juice added - lemonade in frosting form? Yes, please!
Summer may be coming to an end, but these flavors are delightful year round. Stick some in your kiddo's lunch boxes, and your man's briefcase (and obviously hide a few in your purse). You'll be glad you did.

Strawberry Lemonade Cookies
by: Back For Seconds

  • 1 box strawberry cake mix
  • 1/2 cup butter (softened)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup butter (softened)
  • 3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3-4 Tbs lemon juice
Preheat oven to 350*
In a large bowl mix together the cake mix, butter, and egg until well combined. Drop spoonfuls onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 6-7 minutes. They will be soft - do not overbake! Let cool on wire racks before filling.
Beat together the butter, vanilla, powdered sugar, and 2 Tbs lemon juice. If very thick continue to add lemon juice 1 Tbs at a time until it reaches desired consistency. 
Lay cookies flat side up and spread filling on half of the cookies. Top with remaining cookies. Store in an airtight container at room temperature. 

And now LET'S PARTY!!!!!
Since this party is so new, I would be over the moon thrilled if you would help me spread the word! A party isn't a party without all of you! Invite your friends - tweet, facebook, blog, instagram your besties and tell them the Back For Seconds Social is where it's at! You guys rock!

Here's the skinny:
  • Link up your recipes, DIY projects, helpful tips, etc...I want to see it all! (Please only link up your own material)
  • Check out some other links - this is a Social after all :) Have fun and come back next week to see if you were featured! (You can find this weeks features here)
Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties

Monday, August 13, 2012

Back For Seconds Social {Features}

I can't tell you how happy I am to have all of you party with me each week! I have been super busy, so I apologize for not commenting as much as I would like. Please know I appreciate your support though, and I have so much fun looking through all the links!
Let's see who is second to none this week!

Hayley from The Domestic Rebel made these Cinnamon Roll Stuffed Cupcakes. Consider my mind blown!

Lisa from Wine and Glue brought this Sunset Sangria. I am wishing I had a pitcher of this right now, YUM!

Linda from With a Blast shared a great tutorial for Easy D.I.Y Candles. Aren't they cute??

Heather from French Press brought these Deep Dish Chocolate Chip Lave Cookies. I die...

Congratulations!! Grab a button and wear it proud!

Be sure to come back tomorrow night for this weeks party!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Comfort Cookies

You know how some food is just so comforting? These cookies have such a comforting quality to them. Maybe it's the hint of cinnamon that wafts through the air as they bake in the oven. Maybe it's the happy surprise of honey roasted peanuts - a favorite of mine. Maybe it's the familiar chocolate chips that melt in your mouth. 

Whatever it is, these cookies will fill you with warm fuzzies. Take a bite and you will feel like you're being hugged. Yep a cookie hug. It's a real thing. Go put on some comfy clothes and start baking...and eating :)

Comfort Cookies
by: Back For Seconds

  • 1 cup softened butter
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 6 Tbs cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 4 oz chopped white chocolate
  • 1 cup honey roasted peanuts
Preheat oven to 350*
In a large bowl cream together the butter and sugar. Add in cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, and eggs and mix well.  Slowly add in the soda, salt, and flour until well incorporated. Carefully stir in chocolate chips, white chocolate, and peanuts. Drop spoonfuls onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 7 minutes. Cool on wire racks and store in an airtight container.

Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back For Seconds Social *Link Party*

I am so thankful to each one of you who took the time to link up to my very first Back For Seconds Social last week! You all made it a great success, and I had a blast looking through all of your projects, tips, and recipes. Y'all are crazy talented! I hope you will keep coming back each week, this was so fun!
In case you missed it, here's what I've been up to this week: (click the picture to view the recipe)

In case rich and fudgy brownies aren't delicious enough, I added coconut cream frosting into the mix!

Make your favorite ice cream flavor into a cookie!

A sweet cake with a wild surprise inside...

Now let's get to the exciting part - the features!!

Be sure to grab this button to let everyone know you were featured!

*Confessions of an ADD Housewife showed us how to make vinegar smell good while it works it's cleaning magic!

Hugs And Cookies tempted us with this dangerous creation. Oh. My. Word. *Drool*

4 Little Fergusons shared this yummy Kansas Cornbread Salad. I want this for dinner tonight!
Snips and Spice showed us how to make these fun bean bags! Great way to use up scraps of fabric!

And now LET'S PARTY!!!!!
Since this party is so new, I would be over the moon thrilled if you would help me spread the word! A party isn't a party without all of you! Invite your friends - tweet, facebook, blog, instagram your besties and tell them the Back For Seconds Social is where it's at! You guys rock!

Here's the skinny:
  • Link up your recipes, DIY projects, helpful tips, etc...I want to see it all! (Please only link up your own material)
  • Check out some other links - this is a Social after all :) Have fun and come back next week to see if you were featured! 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Double Decker Coconut Cream Brownies

There are two kinds of people in this world:
Sweet dessert lovers
Rich dessert lovers
I am the latter. 
Brownies are my weakness. There I said it. Now don't go using it against me!
You can wave lollipops and candy corn in front of me for as long as you want, I won't take 'em. Too sweet for me.
But put a plate of rich fudgy brownies nearby and I'm in trouble. And you're out of luck, because I just ate your brownie ;)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Ice Cream Scoop Cookies - Fabulous Foodie Fake Outs!

I am SO excited for today's post! Me and some of my uber talented blog friends are having a party and you're invited! We are sharing some fabulous fake-outs and I can't wait for you to see what everyone cooked up!

When it's super hot outside I crave ice cream - big time. And it's been hot here this summer, so you would be correct in assuming that I've eaten a lot of ice cream.  Even when baking cookies, ice cream was my inspiration. 
Aren't these scoops of ice cream cookies cute?? This recipe is so fun because you can divide the dough and add whatever colors and flavors your heart desires. I made three varieties: Coconut chocolate chip, Raspberry Chip, Bubblegum, and Vanilla. They were all so yummy but the flavor possibilities are endless - what kind would you make? What flavor of ice cream is irresistible to you?