
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cookies and Some News!

Before we get to the sweets today, I have some fun news to share with you! On Wednesday this week I am kicking off my very first link party!! I am really excited about it albeit a little scared that no one will link up, haha! Please don't let that happen, I will cry! So mark your calendars and tell your friends, it's gonna be swell :)  Now onto the sugar!

Something you should know about me: I am a girly girl. 
Everyone who knows me knows this. 
I like sparkly things. A lot. 
I have an unreasonable amount of the following:
make up
things that smell pretty
lip gloss
nail polish
And I just keep buying more. I can't help myself. And I'm ok with that.

It should come as no surprise that I like these cookies. They are:
smell pretty
covered in chocolate
adorned with sprinkles
Is there a more girly cookie out there? If you say yes, you are required to send me one :)
Another great thing about these cookies is they only require a handful of ingredients and they are so fast and simple to make. Oh, and they taste amazing!

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Cookies
by: Back For Seconds

  • 1 box strawberry cake mix
  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 1 egg
  • 12 oz chocolate
  • sprinkles (if desired)
Preheat oven to 350*
In a large bowl mix together cake mix, butter, and the egg. Scoop onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake for about 7 minutes. Do not over bake! (These cookies don't spread much - I flattened them a bit before baking.) Let cool on wire racks. When cool, melt chocolate in a small bowl and dip half of each cookie into the chocolate. Sprinkle immediately. Store in an airtight container.

Thanks for stopping by and remember to come back Wednesday to party with me at the Back For Seconds Social!! 

I party here

Linked to Weekend Potluck and some of these fab parties


Jaclyn said...

Those look so yummy! And pretty easy to make!

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

OMG, these look amazeballs! Anything pink and sparkly has my name all over it, too--no wonder we're such good friends :) plus chocolate covered strawberries are officially a girly food and that means we should eat a plate of these with a bunch of jewelry on and then go shopping. Plus, I'm stoked about your party! I can't wait to link up and join! And love the name, too ;)

Tammy @ A Walk in the Countryside said...

They almost look too pretty to eat...ALMOST! The recipe seems every easy as well. I going to give these a try! Thanks for sharing! Good luck on the linky party!!

Carly said...

Yum, these look amazing! Just found you via the GFC hop....can't wait to read more!


Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

I'll be there on Wednesday with treats in tow! :) These cookies are super pretty, and maybe someday we can shop together and you can give me girlie fashion advice. :)

Kristin said...

I'll be back on Wednesday for your link-up! Cake mixes are just dangerous. There's too much that can be created with them.

Lori said...

Those looks so fun, my daughter will love them! I'll try to join your hop, sounds fun!! I found you through GFC Online friends hop, glad to be a new follower!

Anonymous said...

These looks so delicious!

SallysBakingAddiction said...

Yep, we are totally on the same wavelength! Chocolate and strawberries go hand in hand! Love the use of strawb cake mix here! Can't wait for your 1st linky party my dear!!

Jaime said...

I love cookies made from cake mix!! They are my all time favorite way to make cookies!

I started my very first link party today too!! So exciting! I'll for sure be back on Wednesday! & I'd love to have you come link up to Mom's Test Meal Mondays!

Have a great Monday!

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

I am a total girlie-girl, too, so these are right up my alley! Love 'em! Can't wait for your party Wednesday!

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

Eek I don't think my comment went through! I am girlie too, so these are perfect for me! Looking forward to your party!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

I am so excited for you! Starting a new linky party is a big scary... and takes a lot of promotion!
I will be there on Wednesday!
Thanks for your great sweet treat! I am delighted to make anything sweet using a box!
So nice of you to join ON THE MENU MONDAY! See you Wednesday!

Unknown said...

Look at how cute those are! I will definitely be joining your link party on Wednesday. Can't wait! New follower. Yay for being blog friends! :)

Ms. Morgan said...

I found you on The Things We Find Inside's blog hop and I'm so glad I did. I knew you were a blog to follow just by the yummy things in your header. Can't wait.

Tobins' Tastes said...

Those are precious!

Thanks so much for sharing at Mealtime Monday!

Kaylee said...

Anything pink, covered in chocolate and sprinkles is winner in my girly-girl household!!! This is a keeper! Excited to join the social!!

Unknown said...

Those cookies are so cute and look so good!

Come say hello over at and have a great day!

Winnie said...

So easy and sooooooo beautiful :)
When I see pink - I love immediately
I'm pinning these cookies

Unknown said...

those look delicious!
saying hi from the blog hop!
p.s. drop by and say hi @

Unknown said...

I'm going to try these with an Orange cake mix instead of strawberry...cause the only thing I like better than strawberry and chocolate is orange and dark chocolate!

Baked In The South said...

yummo! Would love to have you link up to our party!

Erin said...

My daughter would love these. She's a girly girl too! Very cute cookies!

Jenn Erickson said...

Mmmm...I'm a sucker for sprinkles and strawberry cake mix! I love the color and nostalgia packed in to these adorable cookies!


Carolina HeartStrings said...

This looks just fantastic. Great picture. I cannot wait to try our recipe. Come over and visit us. We would love to have you.

Anonymous said...

These look great! Sarah

Daffy's Dream said...

Yummy! great pic.

Sarah Leonard said...

These look really yummy and fairly simple to make too. I'll have to have a go.

Visiting via the Whimsy Wednesdays Hop :)


Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Yummy for the second time! Thank you so much for your faithful support of my linkies!

Unknown said...

Love these, I've just recently discovered Cake mix Cookies but with chocolate on them, oh yes! Thanks for sharing and I'll definitely be back on Wednesday. I've added you to my party page.

Carole said...

Thanks for linking this in. Cheers

Crafty Mischief said...

Yum! Must try these!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

A whole new take on chocolate dipped strawberries! What fun cookies. Thanks so much for sharing at this week's party!

annies home said...

what a cute dessert sounds delish as well

come see me at

Charlene@APinchofJoy said...

Definitely a girly cookie and party worthy! Thanks so much for sharing on Busy Monday!

Ang said...

Hi! I’m visiting from the Financial Friday link up – love this recipe! These look wonderful - perfect for any girly girl! :) You should check out the Strawberry linky party at
Please visit me at

Michelle Day said...

These are super yummy looking and very pretty too :) Thanks for sharing at Creative Thursday each week. I appreciate YOU! Can't wait to see what you link up next :)

Kelley @ said...

Oh.. yum! And you made them with a cake mix? How fun!

Thanks so much for linking up to Financial Friday last week! I hope to see ya there tomorrow at 7!

Britni @ Hubby Made Me said...

Yum!! I'm not even hungry and I could probably shovel a bunch of these down :) Cute too! Thanks so much for sharing at my Throwback Thursday party! I'm so happy you joined me and I hope to see you again this week :)

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