
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bubble Gum Cookie Truffles

There are countless food blogs, cookbooks, magazines, cooking tv shows, pinterest, etc., and that makes it hard to make something totally unique. That's why I love The Domestic Rebel. You think you've seen every possible version of a cupcake and then she makes something like this Cupcake in a Cupcake. I love her creativity and she always has a funny story to tell!
These little treats I have for you today have been inspired by Hayley's Circus Animal Cookie Truffles. They sounded so and yummy, I just had to make them! I changed the recipe a bit and added bubble gum flavor. I wanted to surprise her with this post as my little "Ode to my new bloggy friend" and for some reason bubble gum made me think of me of Hayley. I had never seen bubble gum truffles anywhere and was a little proud of myself for my original idea ;)

Cut to this morning when I read her post for today and what do I see but Bubblegum Fudge!!  I guess there's a reason bubblegum made me think of her, what are the chances?
Anyway, these sweet little truffles will make you feel like a kid again. They taste just like bubblegum - but you get to eat them ;) Dip them in chocolate and sprinkles and you have a perfect little party treat. Little ones are destined to love these!

Bubble Gum Cookie Truffles
by:Back For Seconds
Adapted from The Domestic Rebel's Circus Animal Cookie Truffles

  • 4 1/2 cups animal crackers
  • 1 batch of cream cheese frosting (or 1 can)
  • 1/8 tsp bubble gum oil
  • 24 oz white chocolate almond bark
  • pink food coloring
  • nonpareils
In a food processor pulse the animal crackers until finely ground. stir in frosting, bubblegum oil, and a bit of pink food coloring. Roll into balls and place on a wax paper lined cookie sheet and freeze until solid. Melt the white chocolate and divide into two batches. Color one batch pink. Dunk the truffles into the chocolate, use a fork to life them out of the chocolate and tap lightly on the bowl to shake off the excess. Place back on cookie sheet and top with sprinkles. let the chocolate set up and enjoy! Best eaten at room temp. They freeze well too, so it's a good make ahead party recipe!

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Unknown said...

I never even knew that you could buy bubble gum flavoring. How cool! My kids would love these so much more than the "adult" truffles I make.

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

That's so funny, I had to do a double take when I saw both post titles! These are great truffles, my daughter would love them! :)

Kristin said...

That sounds like such an interesting flavor. I think kids would love them!

Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel said...

OH MY GAWD. Good riddance, I am drooling like an animal, these look SO. OUTRAGEOUSLY. GOOD. Those animal cookie truffles were yummy, but adding BUBBLEGUM to them?! Pure genius that I am completely in awe of. You're like, the coolest girl EVER and I'm so glad we're new bloggy BFF's. What a delicious and awesome tribute!! <3

Ashley @ Kitchen Meets Girl said...

Hee--this is definitely right up Hayley's alley! How awesome are these?!?!

Julie said...

Yum! I must try these. I am inviting you to come and be part of my blog hop:

Erin said...

FANTASTIC!!! I can't wait to make these. My kids will freak!

Winnie said...

These look GREAT
I've never hear of bubble-gum oil, I'm curious now

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

These look amazing and they would be so much fun at my next party! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower!!
Hope you have had a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

This is such a creative idea! I've never heard of bubble gum oil either, but this is a fantastic use for it :)

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Oh! These look and sound really yummy! I love bubble gum!

Love Bakes Good Cakes said...

Love this! My kids would go nuts over these. Pinned these and I am following you via GFC. I would love if you stopped by and shared these at my party. ... Have a great day! said...

This is such a great idea! They look so good! I haven't heard of bubble gum oil either, but I'm glad I have now! @lemonsforlulu

Unknown said...

Unique flavor idea! Love it!

Call Me PMc said...

very cute for girls party or shower!! thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...

How cute!!!

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

They look lovely! So pretty and wonderful presentation! Have a lovely week! Angie xo

Teri said...

So very cute and yummy!

Christine @ First Home...Love Life said...

Oh my! How cute! I would love if you linked up with me

Unknown said...

how cute!

Unknown said...

wow I love this idea and they sort of even look like cute gumballs too!

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

These look, and sound, so yummy! I love anything bubblegum flavored...that's the kid in me talking!

Thanks for sharing!

Michelle Day said...

Love this recipe! My kids would love these. Thanks for sharing at Creative Thursday :) Have a great week.

Six Sisters said...

We will have to find bubble gum oil! What a fun idea. These truffles look yummy! We are so glad that you linked up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". Please come back again really soon! Thanks! -The Sisters

Printabelle said...

I love that you used the animal crackers, how fun! They turned out so adorable!

Mackenzie said...

This is such a fun recipe! I love that you used animal crackers. What screams kids like animal crackers and bubble gum! :) Seriously creative! How fun would this be for a Circus themed party! Thanks for sharing on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes last weekend! We love having you join us and hope to see you again this weekend! See you soon!
Mackenzie :)

Liz said...

Looks SO delicious! Liz

Unknown said...

Ooh these look delicious! Definitely going to give them a go! :)

Jill @ Create.Craft.Love. said...

OMG! Those look delish! Thanks for sharing at the Pomp Party! Pinning to our Pomp Party board!

Jill @ Create.Craft.Love.

Cindy Kerschner said...

Wow! I love bubblegum flavor, I have to try these!

Cheerios and Lattes said...

You've been featured on Saturday Show and Tell on Cheerios and Lattes. Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Ok, the bubble gum post really intrigued me =) Love it! Thanks for coming by and linking up your recipe at Foodie Friends Friday today...come back next week!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Bubble gum fudge? Get out! How fun would these be for a shower or birthday party.

Lois Christensen said...

WOW! These look great! Thanks for joining Food Friends Friday! Please join us again next week.

Unknown said...

These truffles look so amazing!!! I had no idea you can buy bubble gum flavoring, I will have to check that out!

Jenn Erickson said...

I love the way the pink inside looks with the rainbow sprinkles!!

cupsbykim said...

Just wanted to let you know you are one of my features this week!!! Thanks for stopping by Sweet & Simple Sunday!!

Kim from Cups by Kim

MissCandiquik said...

love it - never have used bubble gum oil...but might have o try!!

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