
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fluffernutter Blondies

I decided to set aside my beloved brownies for a day in favor of blondies. And if that wasn't enough against my character, I didn't even put any chocolate in them *gasp*!  I guess it's opposite day here at Back For Seconds.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ganache Topped Peanut Butter Cup Muffins (Great Blogger Switch-Up!)

My best blogging friends and I are joining forces today to bring you some delicious recipes! We have been so inspired by one another and thought it would be fun to switch things up and create recipes as an ode to each other! These girls are rock stars in the kitchen so be sure to check out each of their posts today - you won't be disappointed!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bubble Gum Cookie Truffles

There are countless food blogs, cookbooks, magazines, cooking tv shows, pinterest, etc., and that makes it hard to make something totally unique. That's why I love The Domestic Rebel. You think you've seen every possible version of a cupcake and then she makes something like this Cupcake in a Cupcake. I love her creativity and she always has a funny story to tell!
These little treats I have for you today have been inspired by Hayley's Circus Animal Cookie Truffles. They sounded so and yummy, I just had to make them! I changed the recipe a bit and added bubble gum flavor. I wanted to surprise her with this post as my little "Ode to my new bloggy friend" and for some reason bubble gum made me think of me of Hayley. I had never seen bubble gum truffles anywhere and was a little proud of myself for my original idea ;)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Triple Chocolate Candy Cookies

I have a new favorite cookie. If you didn't know by now, I'm a bit of a chocolate lover. Did you catch the name of these cookies? Yeah, that's right. Triple chocolate. Really quadruple chocolate if you count the chocolate in the peanut butter cups. Oh yeah, did I mention the peanut butter cups?? These puppies are chock full of them. I also threw in a generous helping of M&M's for good measure.  Just to be safe.
These cookies are so soft and chewy and they're just bursting with chocolate and peanut butter!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Patriotic Chocolate Dunked Krispies

This one is for my man. He loves rice krispie treats. I, honestly, could take them or leave them. Kinda boring for my taste. But then I made these and all that changed. I don't know if I am now a lover of rice krispie treats or if I just love anything dipped in chocolate. Probably the latter :)
These guys are all decked out for Independence Day and ready to help you celebrate! Cuz nothing says "Freedom" like a crispy/marshmallowy treat dipped in chocolate and coated with sprinkles. (Or something like that...)
Plus nothing beats no bake goodies on hot summer days!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Elvis Muffins

Ahhh, beloved peanut butter strikes again.  I just can't seem to stay away from the stuff! Today I'm sharing a recipe with you that would make Elvis proud. Peanut butter + banana in one glorious muffin. Make these at night for a quick grab and go breakfast or eat them for a mid afternoon pick me up. They are filling and melt in your mouth delicious!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Good For You Cookie Dough Dip

Sometimes I make chocolate chip cookies just because I want to eat the dough. By the time I get around to actually baking the cookies I have already consumed a fair amount of dough. I know you have never done that. ;)
Just the other day I was about to whip up a batch of cookies when it hit me. I have seen tons of recipes using bazaar ingredients to recreate brownies and cookies. I am not really a fan of taking something beloved like that and trying to make it into something healthy. It never tastes the same and doesn't satisfy your cravings. 
Instead of taking something decadent and making healthy, I decided to take super healthy ingredients and turn them into a decadent treat! See the difference? What I came up with is a winner, kids. For reals. I am eating the last bit by the spoonful as I type this.
Now when those cookie dough cravings hit you don't have to feel guilty!  Grab some pretzels (or a spoon) and dig in!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Brownie Stuffed Cookies

 You all know about my affinity for brownies by now. You may also know how I love to dress up a chocolate chip cookie - my other longtime love.  Throw in a generous handful of sprinkles and you have one happy cookie. How could it not be happy? After all, aren't we all happy when stuffed to the brim with brownies, chocolate chip cookies and sprinkles? Indeed.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Peanut Butter Cheesecake Brownie Cups

 Is there anything better than chocolate and peanut butter?
Fudgy brownies and peanut butter cheesecake. It's a real thing, kids, and it's deliriously good.

Today I came to the realization that a very high percentage of what I make involves brownies. I'm ok with that. Hopefully you are too, because I want to share them with you. 
So now you know brownies are my weakness, what's the food you just can't turn down??

Friday, June 1, 2012

Fudge Crunch Brownies

Do you ever have those day's where chocolate is really the only thing you want to eat?
Me too.
Ever have those days where chocolate is really ALL you eat?
Uhhhhh.... me either.
Just in case you are prone to having days like that, I made you something special. They have cereal in them so you can eat them for breakfast. And the peanuts totally count for protein, so why not eat them again for lunch? And the base is the fudgiest yummiest brownie. You deserve one after a long hard day, so go ahead and eat another one for dinner.
Uh oh. I feel another one of those days coming on. :)