
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Edible Flowers

I am sharing something fun with you today! I'm going to show you how to make these pretty little edible flowers!
(I have a super cute Mother's Day dessert that I will be sharing tomorrow that I used these for - stay tuned!)
You can use these to dress up your cakes, cupcakes, treats in a jar, or just make them for a fun party favor. These are a really fun thing to make with your kids too. Let's get started!

Edible Flowers
By: Back For Seconds

You will need:

  • Large marshmallows
  • Pretzel sticks
  • M&M's or similar candy (I used pastel M&M's)
  • White chocolate melted
Cut a large marshmallow in half horizontally. 
Take a pretzel stick and dip the tip in the melted white chocolate, then push it into the marshmallow to make the flower stem.
Spread a layer of melted white chocolate on the sticky cut side of the marshmallow. Place an M&M in the center. 
Arrange 5 M&M's in the color of your choice around the center M&M to make the petals of the flower.
Lay flat and let the melted chocolate harden in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before standing them up. 

I really loved making these and I hope you give them a try! 


Sarahsworld said...

What a cute idea! My son's birthday party is on Friday. I wonder if he'd let me make him these ;) said...

Totally adorable! My daughters will love these! THanks so much for linking them!

Unknown said...

These look SO good - makes you smile just to look at them!

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Okay, now THAT is so creative. Such a great idea! And, marshmallows? M&Ms? Rock on. :)

Anonymous said...

that is such a cool idea!

Rose | said...

So cute and easy... I think I may try this with my kiddos!

Meg said...

Edible flowers are such a lovely idea. I have always wanted someone to buy me the fruit flower thingy!

Unknown said...

Love it, cute and easy! My girls will love making these! Thanks for sharing at Thursday's Treasures, pinned!

Unknown said...

Cute, easy and tasty! My girls will love making these! Thanks for sharing on Thursday's Treasures, pinned!

Michelle Day said...

These are so cute! I just might have to make them for Mother's Day too :) Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. I can't wait to see what you link up next week. Have a wonderful weekend.


Rina @ Bento School Lunches said...

Totally adorable and beautiful!

KC Coake said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

Super cute idea!! Also love how you put them in the flower pot cakes!

Debra Kapellakis said...

Those are so cute and pretty.

Unknown said...

These look so cute....great idea! Your double stuff brownies and trouble on a plate make me drool! I'm following you on GFC (hope I don't gain too much weight ;). I'd love for you to come visit sometime. Have a great weekend!


Nicky @ Pink Recipe Box said...

These are so cute! I'll definitely refer to this post when I need sweet flower decorations.

Unknown said...

How adorable! I cannot wait to make these. Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 33. I hope you'll join again next week. <3 and hugs!

Liz said...

Lovely idea! Bookmarked it to use later! Thanks for sharing! Liz

Keeper of the Home... said...

Ohhhh super cute and super easy!

Recipes We Love said...

these are lots of fun

Erin said...

This is wonderful! Thanks so much!!!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

These are so stinkin' cute.

Ladies Holiday said...

Those are so cute! I may not be the craftiest mom on the block, but I think I could pull that off! Thank for sharing!

Rose Jesky said...

They Look great! Thanks for sharing this with us @ the Sunday Round Up.
Hope you have a wonderful week,

Unknown said...

Thank you for linking up to Freedom Fridays! These are so clever! Can't wait to see what you do next week.

Unknown said...

So pretty! great for mothers day.

Meaningful Mama said...

These are adorable. What a great idea.

Pam said...

So cute! Love this idea! Stopped by from CreativeMe at the Southern Institute.

Karima said...

These look great!

Lauren said...

Super cute idea!

Maria said...

Awww what beautiful little treats! So cute!

Slice of Southern said...

These are sooo cute! Thanks for joining Southern Sundays with this wonderful recipe! I'll be announcing the featured recipes next week. Hope to see you at the next party with another great item!

Printabelle said...


I just wanted to let you know that I featured you on my link party this week at:

If you would like a Featured Button I have one posted on my About page at:

Thanks very much for linking up and I'd love for you to link up at my current (and future) parties!


The Better Baker said...

Absolutely adorable - clever and frugal too! What's not to love? =)

Lisa @ Flour Me With Love said...

These are adorable! Thank you so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

Kelley @ said...

Love! Yummy and pretty!

Thanks for linking up last week! You were one of the most viewed links last week! Check it out at tonights party :)

Terry said...

These are so cute! I'm so glad you linked this up last week, this will be highlighted as one of my favorites! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Trisha said...

These flowers are absolutely adorable, thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea ... stopping by from Sweets for a Saturday!

Taylor @ Pink Heels Pink Truck said...

Thank you for linking up these cute flowers at my Unveil Your Genius link party last week! Looks yummy!

Amanda @ The Little Giggler said...

Those look so yummy and cute!! Thanks for sharing at The Little Giggler! :)

Jenn Erickson said...

Darling and delicious -- the perfect combination! Featuring your post on my FB page tomorrow!

Jenn/Rook No. 17

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