
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Double Stuffed Brownies

I told you about a guilty treat I occasionally indulge in in this post a few days ago.
You may have thought they looked pretty sinful all on their own, (they are) but I had greater plans for those puppies.
If you're counting calories or watching your weight....step back, turn off the computer, forget you ever saw these. These are SO good, SO rich, and SO addictive. But not exactly healthy ;)
After you eat one, you realize you don't ever want that flavor to not be in your mouth. So you have no choice but to eat another...and another. I'm telling you these are dangerous! But worth it - so make them ;)

Double Stuffed Brownies
By: Back For Seconds

  • 1 cup butter
  • 2 1/2 cups sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup cocoa
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 package double stuff oreos
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
Preheat oven to 350*
In a large glass bowl melt the butter and mix in cocoa powder until smooth. Stir in sugar, vanilla and salt. Add eggs one at a time. Mix in the flour until the batter is smooth. Spread half the batter into a greased 9x13" pan. Cover batter with peanut butter stuffed oreos (see this post for details). Pour remaining batter over oreos and bake for about 20=25 minutes.Do not over bake, these are best while still fudgy!


Mindie Hilton said...

Those do look dangerously good.

Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust said...

Oh my goodness. Now I know why I love you so much. :)

CookieCrazedMama said...

Oh girl, you did not! These look frickin' amazing! Sinful! :)

Be Colorful Coastal said...

This sounds delish and I always love your fun and display photos. Thanks for sharing this week at BeColorful

Alison Meade said...

Oh my goodness.. this is trouble!

Thanks for sharing!

-Four Sisters

Minnie Kitchen said...

Congratulations on your 101st follower! The brownies look fantastic!

Sarahsworld said...

Oh.My.Goodness! I feel myself getting fatter from just looking at these pictures!

I'm your newest follower :)

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

I hope this is as good as the gooey chewy pretzel bar. It sure looks like it is! Oh, I'll have to make this too for my brownie lovin' son!
Thanks for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY!

Debra Kapellakis said...

These are just one more reason why they should sell Reeses Peanut Butter Cups here. (Greece)

Nicky @ Pink Recipe Box said...

Yum! I can't imagine anyone not loving these brownies!

BF said...

These look so good, and similar to killer brownies I made once, and once was all I needed to fall in love them! I may have to try these!

Anonymous said...

I think I may have just gained a couple pounds reading about these brownies ... but now I want one sooooo badly!! This is a great recipe :)

Janet said...

I can see why these could be dangerous--they look really good!

Lisa @ Flour Me With Love said...

I'm drooling! These look so scrumptious...Thanks so much for sharing at Mix it up Monday :)

Unknown said...

Oh my, I'll take two please with a tall glass of milk! Thanks for sharing at Thursday's Treasures, following you now.

Crafts a la Mode said...

Wow. Must pin. THanks, Linda

Unknown said...

OHMY!!! This is amazing!! Thank you for sharing on Thursday's Treasures Week 33. I'm so glad you joined and hope to see you time and time again. <3 and hugs! Following you, too.

Rebecca @ Herons Crafts said...

Oh. My. Goodness! Wow! I'm lost for words these look so good!
Rebecca @

Meaningful Mama said...

This looks so good. I'm following you now. It was very clever to turn the plate upside-down for the picture too. Thanks for sharing your recipe. Jodi @

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

WANT NOW WANT NOW WANT NOW! Oh my gosh these look so AMAZING! Thanks ( I think?!) for sharing at this week's BFF Open House.

Rose Jesky said...

looks great! Thanks for sharing this with us @ the Sunday Round Up.
Hope you have a wonderful week,

Kayla's Creations said...

Wow, my mouth is watering! I'd love to have one of those right now! Thanks for sharing the recipe at Sunday round up! Have a great week
-Kayla :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness these look so good! Need to try these, its a must!
Thanks for sharing at our Sunday Round Up! Can't wait to see what you have for us next weekend. Have a GREAT week!

Unknown said...

Oh wow, these look fantastic! I thought the double stuffed oreos alone looked amazing, but stuffed in brownies, just wow! I NEED to try one of these! Thanks for sharing at Showcase Your Talent Thursday!

Jenn Erickson said...

I'm supposed to bring brownies to my daughter's last Girl Scout meeting of the year. Thanks for giving me a real show-stopper!

Featuring your post on FB today too!


Unknown said...

O my heavens, those look absolutely to die for. Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing last week! I am going to be featuring you today! Have a great day!

Taylor @ Pink Heels Pink Truck said...

Thank you for linking up this yummy brownie dessert at my Unveil Your Genius link party last week! :)

Kim said...

My mouth is drooling!

You were featured!

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