
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cinnamon Toffee Chex Mix

In my very first post, almost 2 months ago, I shared with you one of my favorite things. Be sure to check it out here if you missed it!  I am always creating new flavor combinations of dessert chex mixes. I just love the stuff. They are quick, easy, and you the possibilities are endless!
A few days ago I was in the mood for a sweet chex mix but I wanted to do something different. BAM! It hit me. Cinnamon, chocolate and toffee! It's a beautiful thing, my friends. Whip up a batch today - you won't be sorry!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Best Ever Chocolate Chip Oat Cookies

I have been getting requests for this recipe. If you asked for it - this is for you!! I aim to please :)

I am always in the kitchen creating new recipes. Tasty dinners for my family, over the top desserts, fun snack foods, outrageous breakfasts (not before 9 am though...)
But over the years I have made a few recipes over and over and over again.  I like to think I have perfected them.  Since I was about 12 years old I was known for making the BEST brownies. That recipe came from a mistake... proof that you learn from your mistakes, they tasted better than the original! My recipe has changed over the years and I honestly think it couldn't get any better! Same goes for my chocolate chip cookies. I have tinkered with my recipe for years and now I have it exactly the way I want it.  Slightly crisp on the edges. Soft and chewy gooey on the inside. And the dough is so buttery delicious and loaded with chips!
This recipe is a slight variation of my usual recipe. This one has oats! It is not an oatmeal cookie with chocolate chips, it's a chocolate chip cookie with oatmeal. Got it? The oatmeal is complementary, not the star of the show.
It's an all American classic. Like Mickey Mouse :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cookie Dough Monster Cupcakes

I don't know about you, but chocolate chip cookie dough is one of my most favorite things ever. It never gets old. I make chocolate chip cookies all the time and always eat my fair share of dough. I just can't help myself! 
So when I wanted to make a batch of cupcakes, this was a no brainer. I made them blue as a nod to Cookie Monster, but that's totally optional. Fluffy and moist vanilla cupcakes stuffed with cookie dough, topped with vanilla cream cheese or fudge frosting, and to top it all of a mini chocolate chip cookie. 
They are over the top delicious. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Creamy Seafood Pasta

I love seafood.  When I go out to eat, the seafood dishes always jump out at me.  Too bad they're always the most expensive options, I have expensive taste, what can I say?
I made this Creamy Seafood Pasta this week and it made a huge amount for around $10. So this weekend maybe have a date night at home and make this yummy seafood pasta. Save your money for a nice bottle of wine instead. ;)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Banana Orange Bread

I'll be honest, most of the time I skip breakfast. I know it's the most important meal and all that, but I'm just not hungry first thing in the morning and I am too tired to want to make breakfast.
This bread is so good and has such a bright flavor, and if you make it the night before it's a quick thing to grab in those groggy hours after waking.
With or without the glaze, this bread was a huge hit in our house!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Flower Pot Cakes

This Sunday is Mother's Day, in case you didn't know. I wanted to share something special that you could make for your mama and show her just how special she is. 
Of course, these are so adorable and delicious they deserve to be made more than once a year. I think the fact that it's spring is reason enough to make these sweet little flower pot cakes.
Who could resist an individual flower pot filled with rich chocolate cake, cream cheese pudding, oreo "dirt", and an edible flower?? Not me. Yummy desserts that are also cute are hard to say no to!

Flower Pot Cakes
By: Back For Seconds
serves 24

You will need:

  • ingredients for your favorite chocolate cake or a mix and the ingredients to make it.
  • 24 mini flower pots (mine are about 3" high)
  • 1 package of oreos
  • 48 gummy worms
  • ingredients listed below for the Cream Cheese Oreo Pudding
  • Supplies for edible flowers shown in this post here

  1. Mix up the batter of your favorite chocolate cake recipe - I love devil's food cake for this.  If you don't want to make it from scratch, just use a box mix. I won't tell ;)
  2. Grease pots well and fill 1/3 full with batter. 
  3. Place pots on a baking sheet. Bake at 350* for about 15 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
  4. While cakes are baking make the cream cheese Oreo pudding. (Recipe below)
  5. Once the cakes are cool, fill the pots the rest of the way with the pudding, leaving just enough room for the "dirt" on top. You will have some extra pudding - eat that with a spoon ;)
  6. Crush a sleeve of oreos and sprinkle on top of the pudding.
  7. Refrigerate for a couple hours before serving.
  8. When ready to serve, decorate with gummy worms and edible flowers. (you can substitute real or silk flowers if you don't have the time to make your own edible ones. They will still be pretty!)
Cream Cheese Oreo Pudding
By: Back For Seconds
  • 2 large boxes chocolate instant pudding
  • 4 Tbs soft butter
  • 5 oz soft cream cheese
  • 5 cups milk
  • 1 sleeve oreos broken into chunks
In a large bowl beat butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add in pudding mix and beat until incorporated. Add milk and beat for 3 minutes. Stir in oreos and refrigerate. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Edible Flowers

I am sharing something fun with you today! I'm going to show you how to make these pretty little edible flowers!
(I have a super cute Mother's Day dessert that I will be sharing tomorrow that I used these for - stay tuned!)
You can use these to dress up your cakes, cupcakes, treats in a jar, or just make them for a fun party favor. These are a really fun thing to make with your kids too. Let's get started!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Double Stuffed Brownies

I told you about a guilty treat I occasionally indulge in in this post a few days ago.
You may have thought they looked pretty sinful all on their own, (they are) but I had greater plans for those puppies.
If you're counting calories or watching your weight....step back, turn off the computer, forget you ever saw these. These are SO good, SO rich, and SO addictive. But not exactly healthy ;)
After you eat one, you realize you don't ever want that flavor to not be in your mouth. So you have no choice but to eat another...and another. I'm telling you these are dangerous! But worth it - so make them ;)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Trouble on a Plate - Oreo Style

I'm sorry to do this to you.
Of course, if you're anything like me, you have already done this a thousand times.